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9th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights


17 - 19 November 2020

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Preventing business-related human rights abuses: The key to a sustainable future for people and planet



Concept note: PDF | Word

Programme: Link to Forum programme
Recordings of the session, video statements, and presentations are in SCHED, in the information note provided for each meeting.

Documents: Statements and submissions

FAST: The following automatically generated transcriptions are provided by UNOG’s project FAST for the convenience of participants at meetings. It is powered by WIPO AIand exists in English only during this pilot phase.

Transcripts are delivered without any human post-editing and are not totally verbatim. Automatic transcriptions of proceedings, if available, do not constitute an official record of the meeting. It is understood that only the spoken interventions in the original language are authentic and constitute a true record of proceedings.

Due to the ongoing worldwide challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, which guides and chairs the Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights, has decided that the 2020 edition of the Forum will be held virtually from 16 to 18 November 2020.

Reflecting on the current global situation and the renewed emphasis on the need to prevent harm to people and the planet resulting from business activities, the prevention of business-related human rights abuses will be the central theme of the 2020 Forum. The Forum agenda will seek to reinforce the message that strengthening prevention– by learning from both good practices and from when things have gone wrong, as well as by addressing systemic gaps – can help to build a sustainable future for people and the planet.

The Working Group hopes that using virtual platforms will extend the global reach of the Forum and open it up to even more stakeholders.

Social media

  • Follow us on Twitter for updates:@WGBizHRs
  • Hashtag: #UNForumBHR / #bizhumanrights


For general queries:
For logistics and registration queries:

Statements and submissions

Plenary statements

Government statements

Government video submissions

Other statements and written contributions

Learn more about the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights