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Civil Society Workshop in Advance of the High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism


09 May 2022


Málaga, Spain


In advance of the Conference, the Kingdom of Spain and the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism will host a workshop on Enhancing Civil Society Leadership and Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism.As Member States, the United Nations and civil society seek to advance implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in partnership, it is critical for the success of that effort that Member States and the United Nations improve and facilitate the meaningful engagement of diverse civil society at all levels of counter-terrorism policy making, implementation, and learning. The shared goal of countering terrorism stands to benefit from the expertise, local knowledge, and diverse perspectives of civil society. The High-Level Conference at Málaga is the first thematic, international conference dedicated to civil society and human rights in counter-terrorism and will take place at a critical point in lead-up to the 8th Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Review in 2023. It is an important opportunity to explore ways to promote greater civil society participation in UN counter-terrorism. This workshop will also offer civil society representatives space to discuss the above priorities, independent of other multi-stakeholders forums provided by the High Level Conference.

  • Concept Note and Programme
  • Event Flyer
  • Video - The impact of counter-terrorism measures on civil society across the globe
    This short film was released by Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. It was presented during the Civil Society Workshop on Enhancing Civil Society Leadership & the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism in advance of the United Nations High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society, and Counter-Terrorism in Málaga, Spain, 2022. The film was created by Hunter N. Johnson.


Civil Society Leadership & Participation

In preparation for the workshop, the co-organizers will establish a multi-regional and diverse civil society consultation group, prioritizing national level actors, and engage civil society organizations from all regions through virtual, regional dialogues and bilateral consultations in advance of the event.



This outcome document was produced by civil society representatives from 43 countries through a series of consultations, including the Civil Society Workshop on 9 May 2022 co-organized by the Kingdom of Spain and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism.