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Thematic reports

Populism and the threat to international solidarity: report


20 July 2020

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International solidarity

The report is divided into nine sections:

  1. Introduction

  2. The concept of populism and its meanings and recent rise, yet again, in global politics

  3. The various dimensions of contemporary populist agitation, as well as the question of whether any tangible human rights benefits could ever be derived from such ideologies

  4. The link between populism and the enjoyment or lack thereof of human rights-based international solidarity

  5. The harmful impacts of certain contemporary forms of populism on the enjoyment of international solidarity in the human rights field

  6. Some of the actions already being taken by States and regions in response to the harmful consequences of populism

  7. Norms of international law that could be utilized to combat populism

  8. Concluding thoughts

  9. Recommendations

Issued By:

Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity

Delivered To:

75th session of the GA