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Thematic reports

A/HRC/52/79: Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against, persons based on religion or belief - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


10 January 2023

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The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 49/31, in which the Council called upon States to implement an action plan to combat intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against, persons based on religion or belief. The report contains information provided by States and other stakeholders on the efforts and measures taken for the implementation of the action plan, as well as views on potential follow-up measures for further improvement of its implementation. It also contains recommendations with regard to implementing the action plan, notably by respecting freedom of religion or belief offline and online, acting expeditiously on hate crimes and protecting religious or belief minorities. Each part of the action plan set out in Council resolution 49/31 should be implemented, consistently involving States, national human rights institutions, United Nations entities, independent experts and civil society, including faith-based actors.

Issued By:

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights