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Thematic reports

A/HRC/48/54: Indigenous peoples and coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recovery - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples


06 August 2021

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Indigenous Peoples


In the present report, prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 42/20, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay, focuses on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recovery phase and related plans, and the impact that the pandemic has had on the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples. He concludes with recommending greater inclusion and participation of indigenous peoples in the recovery process, in order to address their rights and unique needs, and calls for increased support for indigenous-led initiatives to sustain their cultures and economies in the COVID19 recovery period.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

Delivered To:

the Human Rights Council at its 48th session