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Thematic reports

A/HRC/44/49: Disease pandemics and the freedom of opinion and expression - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection ofthe right to freedom of opinion and expression


23 April 2020

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Freedom of opinion and expression


In his report the Special Rapporteur raised concerns that some national and international measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic may be failing to meet international human rights standards related to freedom of expression. The Special Rapporteur highlighted five areas of concern: limitations to the right to access, impart and receive information; restrictions to Internet access; threats to journalism; public health disinformation and an increasing use of surveillance tools. The report concluded that the free flow of information, unhindered by threats and intimidation and penalty, protects life and health and enables and promotes critical social, economic, political, and other policy discussions and decision-making.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Delivered To:

the HRC at its 44th session