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Thematic reports

A/HRC/44/44: International solidarity and climate change: report


01 April 2020

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Climate change


An important goal of the report is to better illuminate the role of human rights-based international solidarity in responding to climate change, which is a common concern of humanity. A complementary objective is to strengthen the appreciation of the role that the lack of human rights-based international solidarity plays in exacerbating the challenges brought upon the world by climate change.

The Independent Expert considered it pressing to address the issues identified in the report, given the tragic impacts of climate change across the world, the fact that greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high in 2018, and that diverse States, peoples and institutions are striving to contribute to the avoidance of further climate change-induced harm.

The report is divided into five sections:

  1. Introduction;
  2. A background on human rights-based international solidarity in the context of climate change;
  3. A discussion and analysis of positive expressions of human rights-based international solidarity in the context of climate change (good practices);
  4. Key human rights-based international solidarity gaps in the context of climate change;
  5. Brief concluding remarks and recommendations.


In the present report, the Independent Expert engages with one of the thematic priorities that he established for his mandate, namely the enjoyment, or lack thereof, of human rights-based international solidarity in the context of climate change. This subject is consistent with the promise made in his first report to the Human Rights Council (see A/HRC/38/40) to examine matters that lie at the intersection of international solidarity and climate change.

Issued By:

Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity

Delivered To:

44th session of the HRC