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Thematic reports

A/75/170: Report on the protection of persons with albinism


18 July 2020

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Persons with albinism


The report provides guidance to Member States on measures and best practices to ensure the protection of the rights of persons with albinism worldwide. Measures are grouped into four clusters: protection, prevention, accountability and equality and non-discrimination. Concrete measures and guidelines in the present report do not only address protection and redress, but also serve as the basis of an adaptable template for designing national action plans on albinism between now and 2030 in all countries, irrespective of reported attacks against persons with albinism. This is to ensure that no one is left behind in the context of the timeline of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report should be read together with the unofficial addendum titled Best Practices for the Protection of Persons with Albinism, as this will provide a better overview of measures that could be employed to better protect persons with albinism. 

Issued By:

Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism

Delivered To:

the GA at its 75th session, September 2020