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Thematic reports

A/74/181: Report on socio-cultural and economic inclusion of LGBT people - Note by the Secretary-General


17 July 2019

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Sexual orientation and gender identity


Addressing the social and economic rights of LGBT people is critical to any efforts to address violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the international community committed on leaving no one behind. In order to lift LGBT people from cycles of exclusion and abuse, we must critically examine these issues as well as emerging good practices.

This report looks at processes of discrimination and their impact on exclusion of LGBT persons education, employment, housing and health. It also highlights how multiple layers of discrimination have an impact on the lived experiences of women, young and older LGBT persons, persons with disabilities, asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons, and victims of humanitarian and natural disasters. The report also highlights the unique role of leaders from different fields in breaking the cycle of exclusion, and having a positive impact on misconceptions, fears and prejudices that fuel violence and discrimination.

Watch the dialogue between the Independent Expert and Member States

Read the press release

Learn more about the issue of inclusion


To inform his report, the Independent Expert sought inputs from relevant stakeholders (Member States, National Human Rights Institutions, civil society organizations, United Nations agencies, regional institutions, corporate entities, etc.), both through written submissions (see Inputs Received below) and through a public consultation held in Geneva in June 2019.

During the consultation, the following points were discussed:

  • Key areas of exclusion resulting from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity
  • Root causes and structural factors responsible for marginalisation and social exclusion of LGBT and gender-diverse persons
  • Legislation, policies, data gathering, and other means to address exclusion
  • Measures to foster inclusion and to ensure implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Services provided by civil society to excluded and marginalised LGBT people

See the Concept Note of the consultation (English | Français | Español)

Issued By:

Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Delivered To:

General Assembly at its 74th session