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Thematic reports

A/73/206: Report of the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity


20 July 2018

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International solidarity


In the present report, the Independent Expert engages with important issues and problems arising in connection with one of the thematic priorities that he has established for his mandate, i.e., the enjoyment, or lack thereof, of human rights based international solidarity in the context of global migration.

To that end, the specific issues and problems that are discussed and analysed in this report are:

  • positive expressions of human rights-based international solidarity in the global migration context (good practices);
  • key human rights-based international solidarity gaps in the global migration context (areas to be improved);
  • and the abusive deployment of international solidarity in the global migration context.

Given that the world is currently in a moment of heightened ferment in terms of the global migration situation, and in the light of the ongoing negotiations on the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the Independent Expert considered it timely and important to focus in the present report on the issues identified above.

It is hoped that the analysis, conclusions and recommendations offered here will be taken into consideration in the implementation of both the Compact and the already existing relevant international law treaties and instruments.

Issued By:

Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity

Delivered To:

the 73rd session of the GA