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Thematic reports

A/71/317: Report on the intentional destruction of cultural heritage as a violation of human rights


09 August 2016

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Cultural rights


In the present report, the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights sets out a human rights approach, which she has developed, to the intentional destruction of cultural heritage, in conflict and non-conflict situations, by States and non-State actors. She examines the impact of such destruction on a range of human rights, including the right to take part in cultural life; calls for effective national and international strategies for preventing, and holding accountable those alleged to have taken part in, such destruction; and also calls for support for and protection of defenders of cultural heritage.


To prepare this report (A/71/317), the Special Rapporteur invited all relevant stakeholders to send their views on the intentional destruction of cultural heritage and share their experiences of the impact it has on human rights, especially cultural rights.

Contributions were particularly requested on the following issues:

  • What is the impact of the intentional destruction of cultural heritage on the enjoyment of human rights, and particularly, on cultural rights? What is the impact of destruction of tangible cultural heritage on intangible cultural heritage, on cultural practices and beliefs, and on the right of concerned persons to participate in cultural life?
  • What are examples of different situations illustrating the above (situations of armed / non armed conflict or international / internal conflict; destructions by States / Non-States actors; geographical or other diversity, etc.)?
  • What are examples of good practices, especially with regard to prevention and protection against destruction, as well as repatriation and reconstruction measures of cultural heritage, including through human and cultural rights education and awareness?
  • What strategies are in place to protect cultural heritage defenders at risk? Under which circumstances can they be considered as cultural rights defenders?

Learn more about the rights related to cultural heritage by visiting the page dedicated to this issue.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights

Delivered To:

General Assembly at its 71st session in October 2016