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Thematic reports

A/63/270: Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of his Special Representative on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises


12 August 2008

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At its eighth session in June 2008, the Human Rights Council welcomed the policy framework for business and human rights proposed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, and extended his mandate for another three years (see Council resolution 8/7). The mandate of the Special Representative was first established by the then Commission on Human Rights in 2005 in its resolution 2005/69.

The extended mandate of the Special Representative requires him to report annually to the General Assembly. The present report outlines the main components of the conceptual and policy framework identified in his report to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/8/5). The framework comprises three core principles: the State duty to protect against human rights abuses by third parties, including business; the corporate responsibility to respect human rights; and the need for more effective access to remedies. The report also outlines the anticipated work streams to be undertaken by the Special Representative in implementing his extended mandate from the Human Rights Council and contains a brief update of relevant activities undertaken by the Special Representative since completion of his most recent report.

Issued By:

Special Representative of the Secretary General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations

Delivered To:

the UN General Assembly at its 63rd session