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State of Press Freedom in Cambodia


03 August 2022


Freedom of opinion and expression

This report provides an overview of the situation of press freedom in Cambodia. The issue is of particular importance in the context of elections as a free press plays a vital role in ensuring that voters can inform themselves of the issues at stake in an election and that candidates standing for office are able to convey the message that they want to the electorate. By ensuring that the press can report freely and safely, authorities are helping to create an environment for political participation and debate. The reporting period for this report is from the previous national election in 2018 up until the commune election in June 2022.

In this report, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia (hereinafter OHCHR Cambodia) outlines the current situation of press freedom in the country, examining the legal framework upholding the right to freedom of expression and the freedom of the press, the introduction of legislation related to the conduct of the media, the application of the criminal law against journalists and other media personnel, media ownership, and the specific challenges faced by women media personnel working in Cambodia. The report provides recommendations to the Royal Government of Cambodia (hereinafter, the Government) and other stakeholders on steps they should take to improve the right to freedom of expression and press freedom in Cambodia.