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The High Commissioner submits thematic reports to the Human Rights Council (HRC) and the General Assembly (GA). Thematic reports document findings on particular topics and provide guidance and recommendations for UN member States, civil society organisations and other stakeholders.

Annual reports





Integrity of the judicial system

In this 2020 report, submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 37/3, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights examines the implications of the lack of integrity of the judicial system for human rights, in particular for persons kept in detention facilities outside the territory of States.


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Human rights in the administration of justice

This 2019 report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 36/16. It addresses violence, death and serious injury in situations of deprivation of liberty, examining the types of violence that result in deaths and serious injury, as well as the environmental factors that contribute to such deaths. The High Commissioner also considers measures that can be adopted to address these issues, including measures to ensure accountability, as well as other practical measures and good practices.


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Non-discrimination and the protection of persons with increased vulnerability in the administration of justice, in particular in situations of deprivation of liberty and with regard to the causes and effects of overincarceration and overcrowding

Equality and non-discrimination are even more important in circumstances where persons with increased vulnerability are deprived of their liberty, as they are even less able to challenge their detention and take action against discriminatory situations. This report highlights first the impact of discrimination on overcrowding and overincarceration, before focusing on the particular impact that overcrowding and overincarceration in places of detention have, in turn, on persons with increased vulnerability.


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Human rights implications of overincarceration and overcrowding

According to recent statistics, the number of prisoners exceeds official prison capacity in at least 114 countries, and prisons in 22 of these countries hold over double, even triple or nearly quadruple their capacity. The levels of overcrowding in places of deprivation of liberty around the world have been described as endemic, alarming, extreme, chronic and outrageous, and are said to be an indicator of, and contributor to, the global prison crisis.


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Panel discussion on the protection of the human rights of persons deprived of their liberty

In its resolution 24/12, the Human Rights Council decided to convene a panel discussion on the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) consulted with States, relevant United Nations bodies and mechanisms, in particular the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), as well as with civil society and other stakeholders, with a view to ensuring their contribution to the panel discussion.



Human rights in the administration of justice: analysis of the international legal and institutional framework for the protection of all persons deprived of their liberty

This report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 67/166, provides an analysis of the applicable international legal and institutional framework for the protection of all persons deprived of their liberty and identifies major challenges in this regard. It concludes that, while a comprehensive framework for the protection of all persons deprived of their liberty exists, the main challenges lie in the implementation of relevant norms and standards at the domestic level.



Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the protection of human rights of juveniles deprived of their liberty

This report provides an analysis of the human rights legal framework applicable to children deprived of their liberty. On the basis of the work of relevant human rights mechanisms, it further reviews the implementation by States of their legal obligations and concludes that, while international human rights law provides a comprehensive legal framework regulating the rights of children in the administration of justice, in particular when deprived of their liberty, a number of implementation gaps remain.
