Methods of work
Group of Independent Eminent Experts
During its tenth annual session (2024) the Group of Independent Eminent Experts on the Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action adopted revised methods of work:
I. Introduction
1. At its tenth session, held from 17 to 20 June 2024, the Group of Independent Eminent Experts on the Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action revised its working methods.
II. Chairperson-Rapporteur
2. The Eminent Experts shall elect a Chairperson-Rapporteur for a term of one year, taking due account of the need for rotation among the geographical regions and the gender balance, among other considerations. The Chairperson-Rapporteur can be re-elected.
3. The Chairperson-Rapporteur shall perform the functions conferred upon her or him by the resolution that creates or renews the mandate of the Group, the methods of work and the decisions of the Group. The Chairperson-Rapporteur may decide to delegate her or his tasks to other members of the group, following consultations with all other members of the Group.
4. The Chairperson-Rapporteur shall represent the Group before the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, States and other stakeholders. The Chairperson-Rapporteur may decide to delegate this task to other members of the Group, following consultations with all other members of the Group.
5. The Chairperson-Rapporteur shall report to the Group on activities that she or he has undertaken during the intersessional period and on any activity undertaken during a session without the other members of the Group.
III. Sessions
6. The Group meets once a year, for at least two to four working days, in Geneva. The Group decides well in advance which meeting shall be closed or opened to the public.
7. The Group will give attention to intersecting forms of racial discrimination.
8. During the session, the Experts shall discuss and agree on the dates for the next session, the respective topics that will be discussed and the external experts they would like to invite.
IV. Intersessional activities
9. All activities conducted by the members of the Group that have a connection with the mandate of the Group will be covered by the present methods of work and should be reported back to the Group.
10. Members engaging in intersessional activities are not empowered to make commitments or decisions on behalf of the Group unless there is a specific delegation of power given to her or him by the Group. Nothing in this rule shall restrict any of the already existing powers of the Chairperson-Rapporteur.
11. Members will avoid any type of actual or potential conflict of interest while engaging in intersessional activities.
V. Coordination with other human rights mechanisms
12. The group is mindful of the work carried out by other human rights mechanisms, in particular the Durban follow-up mechanisms, and is committed to avoid duplications.
VI. Consultations with stakeholders
13. The Eminent Experts may organize and/or participate, collectively or individually, in consultations deemed necessary for the successful implementation of the mandate of the Group, including constructive dialogues with Member States, human rights mechanisms, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, United Nations entities, regional organizations, academic institutions and experts.
14. Members engaging individually in consultations with stakeholders should inform the Group and report back to the Group afterwards.
VII. Consideration of information
15. The Group welcomes information related to its mandate. Information received from relevant stakeholders will be used, as appropriate, by the Group to inform its work.
VIII. Consensus
16. The Group will strive to achieve consensus in all its decisions, where consensus is not reached, the view of a majority of the members of the Group will be adopted as the view of the group. Dissenting opinions will be reflected in reports, if the dissenting member so requires.
Group of Independent Eminent Experts