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call for input | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Call for inputs: implementation of Resolution A/RES/76/162 on human rights and cultural diversity

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15 April 2023

Purpose: Call for inputs on the implementation of resolution A/RES/76/162 on human rights and cultural diversity


Paragraph 24 of resolution A/RES/76/162  requests the United Nations Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-eight session a report on the implementation of resolution A/RES/76/162, including efforts undertaken at the national, regional and international levels regarding the recognition and importance of cultural diversity among all peoples and nations in the world and taking into account the views of Member States, relevant United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Key questions

All submissions are welcome and the topics below are not exhaustive. However, OHCHR is particularly, seeking input on national, regional and international measures:

  1. that promote respect for cultural diversity while upholding and advancing universal human rights and rejecting all forms of exclusion.
  2. that reflect the multicultural diversity within societies, including for example in the media, in public spaces, in the substance and staffing of cultural, social, and educational institutions.
  3. that ensure that political and legal systems reflect the multicultural diversity within societies and improve democratic institutions, so that they are more fully participatory and avoid marginalization and exclusion of, and discrimination against, any sectors of society.
  4. that ensure the free use of media and new information and communications technology to create the conditions for freedom of opinion and expression, including artistic expression, for a renewed dialogue of people belonging to various cultures and civilizations.

Further information:

Respondents are requested to limit their contributions to a maximum of 2,500 words and to submit them by 15 April 2023 at the latest. Additional supporting materials, such as reports, academic studies, and other background materials may be linked in the body of the submission or annexed to the submission.

Please feel free to circulate this call for inputs widely in your networks.

Next Steps

15 April 2023

Email address:

Email subject line:
Call for inputs implementation of Resolution A/RES/76/162 on human rights and cultural diversity

File formats:
submission should preferably be sent as Word documents attached to an email