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Thematic studies of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development

Issued by

Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development


05 July 2023


Issued by HRC subsidiary body


Right to development

Symbol Number



Issued by HRC subsidiary body


Economic inequality, Social protection, Right to development

Symbol Number




Human Rights Council, in its resolution 45/6 on the right to development, welcomed the first report of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development (A/HRC/45/29), and requested the Expert Mechanism to implement the recommendations contained in its report and in doing so to pay particular attention to the international dimension of the right to development, and how this aspect would make the practical implementation of the right to development effective at the international, regional and national levels.

In accordance with this request, the Expert Mechanism is preparing five thematic studies, which it intends to submit during the first three-year term of the Mechanism. For more information about the studies, please consult the above-mentioned first report of the Expert Mechanism (paras. 19-27).

In the above context and at the request of the Expert Mechanism, OHCHR would like to invite Member States and other stakeholders, including international organizations, national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academic institutions to provide inputs to the following two studies, namely:

At the interactive dialogue of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development during the 51st session of the Human Rights Council, the Chair invited Member States and other stakeholders to submit contributions to above mentioned studies. As a result, the deadline for submissions was re-opened until Friday 30 December 2022