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call for input | Special Procedures

Questionnaire Roadmap for the Next Decade

Issued by

Working Group on Business and Human Rights


31 December 2022

The 2022 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, being held in Geneva from 28-30 November 2022, will discuss the action areas detailed in UNGPs 10+: A Roadmap for the Next Decade of Business and Human Rights in order to continue improving the level of implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). To inform preparations of the Forum, the Forum Secretariat is conducting a mapping of ongoing research, activities and projects associated with the Roadmap. 

All stakeholders are encouraged to submit brief information about ongoing or planned research, activities and projects for 2022-2024 which in any way relates to the areas identified in the Roadmap for the future improvement of UNGP implementation and integration. We would be grateful for your response by 25 November 2022.

The information should be submitted via this online form. Links to recently concluded and/or related research, activities and reports are also welcome.

Areas of interest for the 2022 UN Forum include research, activities and projects related to the action areas indicated in the Roadmap:

Action Area 1: UNGPs as a Compass for Meeting Global Challenges 

Action Area 2: State Duty to Protect

Action Area 3: Business Responsibility to Respect

Action Area 4: Access to Remedy

Action Area 5: More and Better Stakeholder Engagement

Action Area 6: More and Better Leverage to Drive Faster Change

Action Area 7: More and Better Tracking of Progress

Action Area 8: More and Better International Cooperation and Implementation Support

The submitted information may be compiled and posted on the Forum web page to provide an overview of ongoing work to a wider range of stakeholders.


General Submissions

The Working Group on Business and Human Rights also welcomes general submissions, which will be used as appropriate by the Working Group to inform its work in guiding the Forum.