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call for input | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Call for comments on / input to a report on the implementation of the A/RES/76/226 resolution adopted at its seventy-sixth session

Issued by



Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: In light of the preparation of the Secretary-General’s report, OHCHR invites States, including independent governmental entities, as well as United Nations entities, inter-governmental and regional organizations, civil society and non-governmental organizations and all other relevant stakeholders


General Assembly resolution A/RES/76/226 adopted at its seventy-sixth session entitled “A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action”, which in paragraph 45 requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-seventh session a report on the implementation of the resolution.


The preparation of the Secretary-General’s report

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

- Download the Guidance note (PDF): English

- A/RES/76/226: English

How and where to submit inputs/comments

Input/comments may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 16 May 2022 18:00 CEST.

Treatment of inputs/comments received

Contributions will be used to inform preparation of the report, and will not be attributed in the report or published on the website.