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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for contributions on the human rights situation in Somalia for the report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia to the 48th session of the Human Rights Council and 76th Session of the General Assembly

Issued by

Independent Expert on Somalia


15 April 2021

Purpose: Report on the positive developments and remaining challenges in Somalia since July of 2020.

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 45/27 adopted on 6 October 2020, invites contributions for her forthcoming written report from States, United Nations entities, specialized agencies and related organizations, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and national human rights institutions on the positive developments and remaining challenges since July of 2020.

While the Independent Expert welcomes any information, reports, legislation or other materials deemed pertinent to the protection and promotion of human rights of Somalia, she is particularly interested in the areas highlighted below:  

I. Political developments, including preparations for the elections

II. The humanitarian situation

  1. Threats and violence against humanitarian personnel and assets;
  2. Access restrictions;
  3. The protection of internally displaced persons and refugees;
  4. The impact of the desert locust infestation of the right to food.

III. The security situation

IV. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of all human rights including measures taken by the Government of Somalia and its partners to address the pandemic

V. The protection of civilians in conflict and peace and reconciliation processes

  1. Violations perpetrated by State actors, international forces and non-state actors;
  2. Measures undertaken to enhance respect for international human rights law and international humanitarian law and avoid harm to civilians;
  3. violations occurring in the context of inter- and intra-clan conflicts;
  4. Reconciliation initiatives and efforts undertaken by state authorities, civil society, and other actors to prevent or end inter-and intra-clan conflicts and the impact of these measures.

VI. The rule of law, accountability and transitional justice

  1. The establishment of the National Human Rights Commission;
  2. The constitutional review process;
  3. The rights of persons in detention, including juvenile justice;
  4. Access to justice and reparation for victims, including victims of sexual and gender-based violence.

VII. Freedom of opinion and expression, assembly and association

  1. Killings of journalists and human rights defenders;
  2. Acts of harassments and intimidation against journalists, media professionals and human rights defenders;
  3. Arrests and detention of journalists, media professionals and human rights defenders;
  4. Measures taken by relevant authorities to enhance civic space and promote the participation of civil society.

VIII. Access to economic, social and cultural rights, in particular:

  1. the right to education;
  2. the right to health;
  3. the right to water and sanitation;
  4. the right to adequate housing;
  5. the right to food.

IX. Groups in focus:

  1. Women
  • Women’s participation in political, peace and national reconciliation processes and in all decision-making structures;
  • Violations and abuses of women's rights, in particular sexual and gender-based violence and female genital mutilation;
  • Women's access to justice, including survivors of sexual and gender-based violence;
  • Measures taken by the relevant authorities to prevent or respond to violations and abuses of women's rights and the impact of these measures.
  • Children
  • The killing or maiming of children;
  •  Recruitment or use of children by armed forces or groups;
  • Sexual violence committed against children;
  • Attacks on schools or hospitals;
  • Denial of humanitarian access to children;
  • Abduction of children;
  • Measures taken by the relevant authorities to prevent or respond to violations and abuses of children's rights; including the existence of rehabilitation and reintegration programmes.
  • Youth
  • Main challenges impacting the enjoyment of human rights by youth;
  • Youth participation in political, peace and national reconciliation processes;
  • Measures taken by the relevant authorities to promote youth empowerment. 
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Main challenges impacting the rights of persons with disabilities in Somalia;
  • Measures taken by the relevant authorities to prevent or respond to violations and abuses against the rights of persons with disabilities in Somalia.
  • Minorities and marginalized communities
  • Main challenges impacting the rights of minorities and marginalized communities in Somalia;
  • Measures taken by the relevant authorities to prevent or respond to violations and abuses against the rights of minorities and marginalized communities.
Next Steps

Please send your submissions in English in attachment by email to; and by 15 April 2021, indicating in the subject “Submission to the call for contributions on the situation of human rights in Somalia – 2021”.  Submissions should not exceed 5 pages.

Your responses may be published on the website of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Should you not wish to have your response published on the website, please indicate so in your response.

The Independent Expert thanks you in advance for your contributions.