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B-Tech is expanding its tech company Community of Practice with the Peer Learning Platform (PLP), a series of webinars open to participants from a diverse range of tech companies from different geographic regions. The PLP is intended to

  • broaden tech companies’ engagement with the UNGPs, informed by B-Tech foundational guidance;
  • support capacity building within these companies;
  • broker connections among human rights functions across the industry; and
  • foster geographic outreach to tech firms headquartered globally.

Topics in the webinar series, held throughout the year, will be informed by participant input and may include:

  • Introduction to B-Tech and the UNGPs (UNGPs 101)
  • Human Rights Due Diligence and End Use
  • Regulation
  • Human Rights Risk in Business Models
  • Human Rights and Responsible Investment in Tech
  • Access to Remedy
  • Stakeholder Engagement & Groups in Vulnerable Situations
  • A UNGPs perspective on timely challenges or global issues

Each webinar topic will be discussed in two sessions, with one taking place at 10am CET, and one at 9am PST (6pm CET). Participants are invited to register for the hour most convenient for them.

The second PLP session will take place on 15 March 2023:

For questions about the PLP or the B-Tech Project more generally, please contact

OHCHR and business and human rights