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The Special Rapporteur intends to undertake country visits in order to study the situation in situ and formulate recommendations to prevent and or combat trafficking and protect the human rights of its victims in specific countries and/or regions. This will also allow the Special Rapporteur to learn about existing programmes and policies in different parts of the world and their effectiveness and/or shortcomings. Learn more about country visits of Special Procedures.

Visits undertaken

YearCountryDocument symbol and link
2023Central African Republic (24 to 30 November 2023)A/HRC/56/60/Add.2
2023Colombia (22 to 30 May 2023)A/HRC/56/60/Add.1
2022South Sudan (5 to 14 December 2022)A/HRC/53/28/Add.2
2022Bangladesh (31 October to 9 November 2022)A/HRC/53/28/Add.1
2021Tajikistan (7 to 16 December 2021)A/HRC/50/33/Add.1
2019Montenegro (1 to 8 November 2019)A/HRC/44/45/Add.1
2018Nigeria (3 to 10 September 2018)A/HRC/41/46/Add.1
2017Cuba (10 to 14 April 2017)A/HRC/38/45/Add.1
2016USA (6 to 16 December 2016)A/HRC/35/37/Add.2
2016Kuwait (4 to 8 September 2016)A/HRC/35/37/Add.1
2016Jordan (28 January to 4 February 2016)A/HRC/32/41/Add.1
2015Malaysia (23 - 28 February 2015)A/HRC/29/38/Add.1
2014Seychelles (27 - 31 January 2014)A/HRC/26/37/Add.7
2013Belize (12 - 16 December 2013)A/HRC/26/37/Add.6
2013Bahamas (9-11 December 2013)A/HRC/26/37/Add.5
2013Italy (12 - 20 September 2013)A/HRC/26/37/Add.4
2013Morocco (17 - 21 June 2013)A/HRC/26/37/Add.3
2012Philippines (5-9 November 2012)
(more information about this mission)
2012Gabon (14-18 May 2012)A/HRC/23/48/Add.2
2012United Arab Emirates (11-17 April 2012)A/HRC/23/48/Add.1
2011Australia (17-30 November 2011)A/HRC/20/18/Add.1
2011Thailand (8-19 August 2011)A/HRC/20/18/Add.2
2010Argentina and Uruguay
(6-11 September 2010, 13-17 September 2010)
Egypt (11-21 April 2010) (Preliminary note)A/HRC/14/32/Add.5
2009Japan (12-17 July 2009)A/HRC/14/32/Add.4
2009Belarus and Poland (18-29 May 2009)A/HRC/14/32/Add.2
2006Bahrain, Oman and Qatar
(29 October 2006 - 12 November 2006)
2005Lebanon (7-16 September 2005)E/CN.4/2006/62/Add.3
2005Bosnia-Herzegovina (20-28 February 2005)E/CN.4/2006/62/Add.2

Visit requests

2019: Montenegro, Moldova, Madagascar
2018: Bangladesh, India, Mexico, South Africa, Tunisia
2017: Brazil
2015: Luxemburg, Switzerland

Invitations received

Palestine (2018, at its own initiative)
Mexico (2018, in reply to the mandate's request)
Egypt (2017, at its own initiative)
Madagascar (2016, at its own initiative)
Luxemburg (2015, in reply to the mandate's request)
Israel (2015, at its own initiative)