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Third session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights


Oral Interventions: Instructions

During each panel segment and following the presentations by panellists, there will be time for discussion, during which States, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions, and non-governmental organizations will be allowed to intervene, in that order.

In order to speak, international organizations, IGOs, NHRIs, and NGOs are requested to put the name of their organization and speaker on the List of Speakers that will be available at the secretariat desk in Room XX during the session preceding the one they intend to speak at.  As with the Human Rights Council, the order of the speakers will be prioritized based on when the request was made.  Speaking slots will depend on the number of requests received and the time allocated under the Programme of Work (subject to adjustment due to time management).

All participants are invited to submit their statements in writing to  in advance in order to facilitate simultaneous interpretation, with a clear indication under which panel subject number the statement is made.

Please note:

  • Only NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status may make an oral statement.
  • To take the floor, NGO speakers should use the conference-table seats reserved for that purpose.
  • In order to allow for the largest possible number of substantive contributions, participants will be kindly requested to limit their interventions to be as concise and succinct as possible. A time limit for each intervention may need to be imposed, at the discretion of the Chair, depending on the number of speakers for each panel.
  • Abusive or disrespectful language or derogatory and inflammatory remarks by any participant will not be tolerated during the session. All participants should ensure that a sense of respect and tolerance permeates the discussion.
  • All statements will be posted as received on OHCHR’s website following the conclusion of the session. If the statement delivered is substantially different from the document initially received by the secretariat or if you do not wish the statement to be published online, please inform the secretariat.
  • In line with the OHCHR disability policy, oral interventions without written scripts cannot be shared on the website.
Opening of the session

Adoption of the agenda and programme of work

International organizations

Keynote speakers

General statements


International organizations

Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Debate : reflections on the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other relevant international, regional and national frameworks

International organizations

Panel 1: General framework



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 2: Scope of application



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 3: General obligations



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 4: Preventive measures



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 5: Legal liability



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 6: Access to justice


Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 7: Jurisdiction



Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 8: International cooperation


Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 9: Mechanisms for promotion, implementation and monitoring


Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel 10: General provisions

Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status

Panel: The voices of the victims



International organizations

Non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC consultative status
