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人权理事会主席约阿希姆•卢埃克(Joachim Rücker)表示,特别会议应非洲集团要求、在21个理事会成员国和8个观察国的呼吁下召开。

在会议开始阶段,理事会为纪念索马里常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表尤瑟夫•巴里•巴里(Yusuf Bari-Bari)大使而默哀一分钟,他是3月27日(周五)索马里摩加迪沙致命恐怖袭击的一名受害者。

联合国人权事务高级专员扎伊德•拉阿德•侯赛因(Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein)在开场发言中向尤瑟夫•巴里-巴里大使表示敬意,他是有力的人权维护者,十分关注针对妇女的暴力和对白化病人的保护。


特别程序协调委员会成员米蕾列•法农•门德斯•弗朗斯(Mireille Fanon Mendes France)在主旨发言中向痛失巴里•巴里大使的索马里民众以及其他所有恐怖主义袭击的受害者表示诚挚的慰问。


非洲联盟驻马里和萨赫勒特别代表皮埃尔•布约亚(Pierre Buyoya)在主旨发言中对尤瑟夫•巴里•巴里遇难表示痛惜,并向其家人和索马里人民表示慰问。



喀麦隆对外关系部长皮埃尔•穆科科•姆邦乔(Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo)表示,博科圣地在尼日利亚、喀麦隆和乍得施行了大量人权侵犯行为这点足够明确。尽管发生了那些可怕的罪行,喀麦隆坚决致力于尊重国际人道主义法和国际人权法。最近只发生了一起事件,即一家监狱内的75名博科圣地激进分子被杀,目前正在对这一事件进行调查,肇事者将被起诉。

乍得司法和人权部长穆罕默德•伊萨•哈利基米(Mahamat Issa Halikimi)指出,博科圣地已经成为一个旨在破坏西非和中非国家稳定的无情敌人。它在贫困和地方当局不作为的肥沃土壤上枝繁叶茂,变得越来越组织化和职业化。非洲国家需要加强其在国际反恐行动中的话语权,这要求非洲政府间更好的协调。乍得相信,民间社会的参与可以改善各国的安全状况。

尼日利亚外交部长常任秘书丹朱马•南彭•舍尼(Danjuma Nanpon Sheni)表示,高度的贫困、文盲和失业推动了博科圣地的崛起,他强调这一挑战不是单个国家可以解决的,需要受影响国家齐心协力。也需要支持来解决150万境内流离失所者和650000名难民的困境。国际社会应该关注博科圣地与舍卜沃和伊斯兰国等其他国际武装组织创立的网络。























Keynote Statements

MIREILLE FANON MENDES FRANCE, Member of the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures, extended sincere condolences to the people of Somalia for the loss of Ambassador Bari-Bari and all other victims of terrorist attack.

The Coordination Committee of Special Procedures expressed deepest concern at the human rights and humanitarian crisis caused by continuing violence and appalling atrocities of Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. It was extremely alarmed at the extent and nature of human rights abuses and the heavy price paid by civilians, and found the use of children as human shield particularly appalling. The Coordination Committee expressed support for efforts by States to combat terrorist acts and stressed that all measures taken should be conducted in full conformity with international law. When countering terrorism, the first duty of any State was to protect the lives of its citizens and all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction. The protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms was not incompatible with security and this had been the spirit of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy adopted in 2006.

Certain rights were absolute and could not be derogated under any circumstances, including the right to life, freedom from torture, freedom from slavery or servitude, the principle of legal certainty and non-retroactivity in the application of the criminal law, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the freedom from return to a country where there was a risk of torture. Other non-derrogable rights were defined by the customary international law also considered. Yet, counter-terrorism measures often posed serious challenges to economic, social and cultural rights, which was particularly important as the promotion of those rights should be seen as a means of addressing conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism and hence of preventing acts of terrorism. Counter-terrorism policies or measures should also address the root causes and conditions that were conducive to the emergence and spread of terrorism, including poverty, marginalization, political oppression, and polarization of ethnic and religious characteristics. The Special Procedures were ready to continue assisting States and strongly encouraged them to make use of Special Procedures’ advice and expertise in designing appropriate responses to the challenges posed by Boko Haram.

PIERRE BUYOYA, High Representative of the African Union for Mali and the Sahel, expressed sadness due to the loss of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari, and conveyed condolences to his family and the people of Somalia.

The terrorist threat in Africa had augmented during the previous decade. Several variants of transnational organized crime had become closely linked with the activities and sources of funding of terrorist groups. Those were trafficking of drugs and arms, maritime piracy, ransoming of hostages, unlawful proliferation of arms, and money laundering. According to the latest report of the President of the African Union Commission, terrorist menace in Africa took on several forms, such as terrorist attacks against African interests, attacks against Western interests in Africa, the use of African territories as sanctuary or source of recruitment, and the use of Africa as a transit zone for terrorists and collection of funds for unlawful activities. The principal terrorist groups operating in Africa today were Al-Qaida in northern Africa, Boko Haram and Ansaru in western and northern Africa, Al-Shabab in eastern Africa, and the Lord’s Resistance Army in eastern Africa and the Great Lakes region in central Africa. Recently, a group called Ansar Al-Charia had appeared in some countries of northern Africa. In Somalia, Al-Shabab continued to attack civilian populations and the forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia. Al-Shabab was financed through different activities, such as illegal trade of coal, a complex system of taxes, and maritime piracy.

The political and security situation in Libya was also of serious concern, due to intense conflicts among armed military groups and parallel Government systems in Tobrouk and Tripoli. However, the most concerning was the apparent presence of the Islamic State in Libya. As for Boko Haram, it was necessary to analyse the context that gave rise to it. Several theories of its origin existed. According to some theories, it was a manifestation of difficult economic conditions in the region, whereas according to some other theories, it was a result of extreme criminality, combined with political instrumentalization. Since 2014, Boko Haram has expanded its activities beyond Nigeria’s borders into Cameroon, Niger and Chad. There was no doubt that Boko Haram had committed grave human rights violations. In its efforts to combat terrorism, the African Union was guided by a normative and institutional framework adopted in the past two decades. In order to coordinate their efforts to combat Boko Haram, in late 2014 and early 2015 the countries of the Commission of the Lake Chad Basin had decided to form a combined multinational force. Financial, technical and logistical aid of the United Nations for the combined multinational force would be of crucial importance. The current session of the Human Rights Council should send a clear message that the odious acts of Boko Haram would not go unpunished. Member States were encouraged to adopt the proposed resolution.

Statements by Concerned Countries

PIERRE MOUKOKO MBONJO, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cameroon, thanked the President of the Council and the African Group for convening this Special Session and expressed condolences to Somalia for the loss of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari. It was abundantly clear that Boko Haram had committed massive human rights violations in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. Cameroon had been attacked for the past 11 months; at first it was a collateral target and now it was a principal target. This transformation came about because Boko Haram was searching for a safe haven and food, and because of their intention to build a caliphate which would encompass a part of the national territory. The military stood firmly alone against the attacks of Boko Haram for about eight months, and had been successful in defending the national territory. The national army was a professional army which insisted on always respecting the law and human dignity. Currently, about 1,000 Boko Haram combatants were held in prisons in Cameroon, at great expense of the State, and they were treated humanely. Despite the horrible crimes committed by Boko Haram, Cameroon was firmly committed to respecting international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The only incident in the past months had occurred recently, whereby 75 Boko Haram militants had been killed in one of the prisons; this incident was being investigated and those responsible would be prosecuted. Cameroon did not have a bilateral agreement with Nigeria and could not cross the border in the context of anti-terrorist operations. There should be no confusion, stressed the Minister: Cameroon, which was being attacked, and this terrible terrorist group could not be put on the same level.

MAHAMAT ISSA HALIKIMI, Minister of Justice and Human Rights of Chad, conveyed condolences to the family of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari and to the people of Somalia. He thanked the Council for holding a Special Session on Boko Haram, noting that terrorist attacks on civilian populations and hostage taking had demonstrated how vulnerable the region was. Boko Haram had become a relentless enemy that aimed to destabilize the countries of western and central Africa. It prospered on the fertile ground of poverty and inaction of local authorities, and it was becoming more organized and professional. The crisis went hand in hand with widespread human rights violations. The affected countries faced constant shortage of commodities and rise of food prices, due to the reduced volume of agricultural production. Because of Boko Haram’s atrocities, thousands of villagers in the Lake Chad region had fled. Thousands of refugees had ended up on Chadian soil in the past several months, and the Government was not ready for that situation. The Government was focusing on providing direct food assistance, improving the protection of human rights, fighting against gender based violence, and strengthening public administration structures. African countries had to strengthen their voice in the global fight against terrorism. To achieve that, better coordination among African Governments was needed. The Government of Chad remained convinced that through the involvement of civil society, States could improve their security.

DANJUMA NANPON SHENI, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Nigeria
, joined the Council in expressing heartfelt condolences to the Government of Somalia and to the family of late Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari. His death should be regarded as a catalyst to fight and defeat terrorism. The African Group was praised for its efforts to convene the Special Session of the Council. The Boko Haram insurgency had dominated discussions at various international fora, due to the grave human rights violations and vicious crimes that it had committed. High levels of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment had contributed to the rise of Boko Haram. The Boko Haram threat could not be addressed by a single country, but by a coordinated effort of affected countries. The number of internally displaced persons was estimated at 1.5 million, while another 650,000 were refugees. Support was needed to address the plight of those people. Nigeria had already set aside funds to renovate destroyed homes. The growing number of cross-border attacks by Boko Haram highlighted the need for regional and global action. The international community should be concerned about the networks that Boko Haram had created with other international armed groups, such as with Al-Shabab and the Islamic State. The decision of the Nigerian Government and of the neighbouring countries to deploy troops to fight Boko Haram was a legitimate one, and any unlawful conduct of the deployed troops was being promptly dealt with. All ethnic and religious groups in Nigeria were committed to the fight against Boko Haram. The Government placed great importance on the protection of human rights in the fight against terrorism and had thus invited representatives of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit the country.


Latvia, speaking on behalf of the European Union, condemned in the strongest terms the widespread abuses and violations by Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. Those increasingly violent and indiscriminate attacks had targeted civilians and caused displacement of half a million persons within Nigeria, while hundreds of thousands had fled across the border. The European Union was horrified to learn about another possible abduction of 400 women and children in Damasak and reiterated its support to Nigeria and all States in the region in addressing the challenges posed by Boko Haram.

Denmark, speaking in a Nordic statement on behalf of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, condemned in the strongest terms the continued atrocities committed by Boko Haram, including targeted killings and attacks on civilians, abductions, and sexual and gender-based violence. The Nordic countries welcomed efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees, and awaiting the operationalization of the Multinational Joint Task Force, welcomed the regional efforts from Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon to contain and fight back the attacks by Boko Haram on civilians.

Morocco, speaking on behalf of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, expressed condolences to the country and family of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari and said that the threat of terrorism by Boko Haram called for strong and coordinated action by the international community. The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie welcomed the recent decision by heads of African States to establish a Multinational Joint Task Force and welcomed the adoption by central African States of a regional strategy to combat Boko Haram.

Algeria, speaking on behalf of the African Group, said it was necessary to build regional and international partnerships capable of facing terrorist threats which were complex, transnational and evolving. To that end it was necessary to reinforce the security capacities of the threatened countries, improve information sharing, restrict the regional movement of terrorists, identify their safe havens, tap into their sources of funding, and fight against impunity.

Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, welcomed the convening of the Special Session of the Council and condemned the terrorist attack on 27 March 2015 which killed Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari. Great concern was expressed about the growing attacks carried out by Boko Haram, which had resulted in the killing of innocent civilians and the destruction of public and private property. Criminal activities, such as abduction, sexual and gender-based violence, targeting of religious and ethnic groups, recruitment of children, and promotion of hate speech and propaganda by Boko Haram were condemned.

Tunisia, speaking on behalf of the Arab Group, reiterated its unshaken commitment to fight terrorism. In light of the criminal acts perpetrated against innocent civilians, and in the face of the real threat posed by Boko Haram, the Arab Group welcomed the Special Session of the Council and condemned the crimes and human rights violations committed by Boko Haram. The dangers posed by terrorist groups should be addressed through strengthened regional and international coordination. A multifaceted approach was necessary to fight terrorism, including investment in human development and sustainable economic development. Funding for those groups had to be cut off.

Zimbabwe, speaking on behalf of the Southern African Sub-region, strongly and unreservedly condemned the widespread and systematic violations and abuses of human rights by Boko Haram and remained disturbed by the dire humanitarian situation and displacement of victims. The transnational character of Boko Haram posed a threat to regional peace and security and defeating this group was of paramount importance. This required combined national and regional efforts robustly supported by the international community at large.

Netherlands condemned in the strongest possible terms the continued violence and abuses against civilians, which had led to extreme human suffering, and expressed concern about the humanitarian situation of internally displaced persons and refugees. The Boko Haram activities were a threat to peace and stability in the region and the Netherlands welcomed the increased cooperation between Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin to face this threat and underlined that the fight against terrorism should be fully in line with international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

United States joined in condemning the shocking atrocities by Boko Haram which showed total disregard for the sanctity of human life. Its inhumanity would unite the world community and the United States was ready to continue to support the people and Governments of this region in the face of this threat. Lasting stability and real security required the protection of human rights, including independent judiciaries that upheld the rule of law, and police and security forces that respected human rights.

Estonia expressed concern about the human rights situation in Nigeria, in particular about the appalling abuses committed by Boko Haram. It stressed the importance of an urgent and comprehensive response to the insurgency and to combat terrorist and criminal acts perpetrated by Boko Haram. It welcomed and supported the decisions of the States of the region to deploy a multinational task force. All persons responsible for severe human rights violations had to be held accountable and there could be no impunity for such acts.

Morocco recognized the urgency for collective action in order to support the countries affected by Boko Haram. Morocco had for years drew the attention of the international community to the security risks of the proliferation of non-state actors in the Sahel and Saharan region of western Africa. The assassination of Ambassador Yusuf Bari-Bari had demonstrated that terrorism could hit anywhere and anytime. It was noted that the security and military approach to the problem of terrorism should not eclipse due attention to its underlying causes.

Côte d’Ivoire welcomed the Special Session of the Council and noted that massive human rights abuses of all kinds had reached such a scale that it was essential for the international community to respond appropriately. It was high time to stop Boko Haram. As a country where several religious groups co-existed, Côte d’Ivoire remained convinced that Boko Haram did not represent any religion or belief. The Human Rights Council should play a key role in the fight against the proliferation of terrorist groups.

Sierra Leone said that for the past six years, the extremist religious group Boko Haram had carried out violent attacks and waged terror on the villages in northern Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon. Military operations alone were not sufficient to effectively address the problem or defeat Boko Haram. Sierra Leone stressed the critical need to address the root causes of this brand of ideologist terrorism and to uncover and stifle the sources of funding of this militant group and bring to justice anyone who sought to support their activities.

Argentina condemned all terrorist acts and practices, and reaffirmed the need to continue to strengthen United Nations mechanisms to fight effectively against this serious threat. Argentina called upon all to cease financing terrorism and called on the international community to support the countries in the region to address root causes of terrorism. The fight against terrorism would be successful if it ensured larger participation of society, and the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Russia was seriously concerned about the fate of Christians in the region and commended the African Group for developing a comprehensive approach to combat terrorism in Africa. It was not to be forgotten that unscrupulous foreign interventions gave rise to terrorism in the continent, as were the attempts to replace regimes in the Middle East with the help of militias. The international community should assist States in the region to combat terrorism in accordance with international law.

Germany condemned the actions by Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger in the strongest possible terms. The instruments provided by the Human Rights Council had to form part of the international community’s response. The Special Session had to give rise to an analysis of all violations and abuses of international human rights and humanitarian law in Nigeria and the region. That could be credible only if all violations and abuses were investigated. It was thus of utmost importance that true and full accountability was brought about.

United Kingdom expressed grave concern about the ongoing terrorist attacks by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria and neighbouring countries. More than 4,000 people were killed and at least 900 abducted last year. Around 1.5 million people were displaced and at least 3 million were adversely affected by the insurgency. It was essential that the international community continued to support Nigeria and its neighbours. It was also essential that efforts to tackle Boko Haram were fully compliant with international human rights law.

United Arab Emirates noted that the Special Session was being held in the alarming context of terrorist acts and human rights violations perpetrated by Boko Haram. The terrorists considered that women and girls had no right to learn, which led to attacks on schools. Those terrible acts were abject and unprecedented. Terrorism was an ongoing threat not only in Africa, but throughout the world. The international community should join forces and support the multinational task force of the African Union.

Montenegro condemned all abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law by Boko Haram, and expressed deep concern about the dire situation in Nigeria and neighbouring countries, particularly the deteriorating humanitarian situation in northern Nigeria. International humanitarian efforts should be appropriately coordinated by the United Nations. Boko Haram posed a growing threat to peace and stability in the region and an urgent and comprehensive response to prevent further activities of Boko Haram was needed.

China expressed condolences for the unfortunate death of Ambassador Bair-Bari of Somalia and added that terrorism was universal scourge, with the growing activity of extremist terrorist groups. The international community should, with respect for national sovereignty, support regional efforts to combat terrorism and support the concerned States to address the root causes of terrorism. China was ready to continue to vigorously support African countries in their counter-terrorism efforts.

Republic of Korea strongly denounced the inhumane crimes, and all forms and manifestations of terrorism, and said that the gravity of human rights abuses by Boko Haram underlined the threat that this group posed to fundamental human rights. The Governments of affected countries should ensure that all alleged crimes were investigated and perpetrators brought to justice, while the international community should support those countries in their efforts to address the threat of terrorism and provide humanitarian support to the affected.

Saudi Arabia said that acts of Boko Haram had exceeded all limits and its malice had impacted the whole African continent. It was unfortunate that this group was hiding behind the pure principles of Islam, and this had led to hatred and manifestations of anti-Islamism worldwide. Saudi Arabia was fully ready to promote and protect human rights, as witnessed by the establishment of the Centre to Fight Terrorism, to which it had contributed $ 10 million.


For use of the information media; not an official record
