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Training and education publications

Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies (Part 2, Notes for Facilitators)


01 January 2017


Human rights education

This publication constitutes the second part of the Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Training Guide.

Part II – the Notes for Facilitators – closely follows the structure of Part I. It has been designed to assist facilitators in preparing and delivering a training course on treaty reporting, intended ideally for relatively small groups of a maximum of 25 participants. After two preliminary sections containing suggestions for, respectively, planning a training course and organizing its opening session, Part II proposes interactive training sessions covering the information contained in all the chapters of Part I. A closing session is also proposed. The training sessions comprise a mix of computer slide presentations and group activities, and include different training components: facilitator’s notes, session plans, presentations, videos, quizzes and so forth. The sessions are based on the OHCHR training methodology for human rights training. This methodology is interactive and promotes a participatory approach. It is important that facilitators respect and use this approach to encourage enriching discussions and exchange of information and experience with and between the participants.

See also
  • Part 1 — Manual
  • Training modules for use in developing training courses or as a general information resource on Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies.

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