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We need stories that show us that the values we hold in common are stronger than what divides us. Stories that paint a hopeful picture of the future we share.

Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Illustration of a diverse group of men and women


We believe there is an urgent need to question and change the way we speak about migrants and migration. When migrants are portrayed in a negative light, their human rights are heavily impacted. They are discriminated, excluded and dehumanised. Communities also become divided. How we speak about migrants and migration – the narrative – therefore plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing equality and the human rights of migrants.
Illustration of a man in a wheelchair exchanging items with a woman to the right

Tell a new story

Stories have the power to uplift, inspire and connect. Let’s replace narratives of fear, division and exclusion with those of hope, inclusion and the change we want to see. One story at a time.


Use the hashtag #StandUp4Migrants and share your stories and actions that are leading to positive change.