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Intersessional panel discussion on the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations, 21 February 2022


21 February 2022




Human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations


In its resolution 47/12 (hyperlink to the resolution 47/12) of 26 July 2021 the Human Rights Council requested that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) convene an intersessional panel discussion on the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations, with a particular focus on the experience of migrants and highlighting best practices and challenges in this regard. The Human Rights Council has furthermore requested that OHCHR prepare a summary report on the panel discussion to be submitted to the Human Rights Council at its fiftieth session and to the General Assembly at its seventy-seventh session, and to bring the report to the attention of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) and the United Nations Network on Migration.


The intersessional panel discussion aimed to:

  • Illustrate through examples how situations of vulnerability can be associated with the drivers of migration, circumstances encountered in transit, at borders and at destination, discrimination related to specific aspects of a person's identity or circumstances or a combination of those factors.
  • Highlight challenges and promising practices in relation to the respect, protection and fulfilment of the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations.
  • Determine means and ways to prevent, identify and address situations of vulnerability in the context of migration.
  • Seek recommendations from States and other stakeholders on how the Human Rights Council should move forward to ensure the protection of the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations.
  • Inform preparations for the IMRF and its progress declaration.

The seminar was open to the participation of Member States and other relevant stakeholders, including United Nations entities, representatives of subregional and regional organisations, international human rights mechanisms, national human rights institutions, civil society organisations, migrants, and relevant stakeholders from across the world. Participants are encouraged to intervene in an interactive way, through questions, comments and sharing of experiences, promising practices and challenges as well as suggested recommendations on the way forward, with a view to stimulating a constructive debate. Interpretation to English, Spanish and French will be provided.

Summary report

Summary report of the intersessional panel discussion on the human rights of migrants in vulnerable situations - A/HRC/50/52.

Related links

OHCHR | Migrants in vulnerable situations


Member States and stakeholders who would like to be added to the speakers list should indicate it in the registration form.

All oral interventions should be limited to 2-3 minutes and can be delivered in English, French or Spanish.

Participants are requested to register here by Tuesday, 15 February 2022.
