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Regional meetings with civil society

Due to COVID-19 restrictions the 26th WGEPAD session will be virtual. The session will include a series of regional public meetings with people of African descent and civil society to strategize on the way forward at the mid-term of the International Decade for people of African descent. (Room XX Palais des Nations)

This series of regional meetings is designed to allow the Working Group to engage with and learn from civil society and its experiences, to ascertain the situation on the ground thus far, and to determine which strategies may improve and enhance efforts to effectively prevent racial discrimination faced by people of African descent.

Regional meetings were held as follows:


Statements and written submissions

23 November 2020

24 November 2020

25 November 2020

  • Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Submissions received from civil society in response the WGEPAD call for input: Mid-term review of the International Decade for people of African descent