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7th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights


27 - 29 November 2018

Learn more


Geneva, Switzerland


Business respect for human rights – building on what works


Programme: 2018 Forum Programme
Documents: Statements and submissions
Quick guide to the Forum programme
Practical information for participants
Modalities of participation
Background reading:
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About the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

The UN Forum is the world's largest annual gathering on business and human rights with more than 2,000 participants from government, business, community groups and civil society, law firms, investor organisations, UN bodies, national human rights institutions, trade unions, academia and the media.

Over three days, participants take part in 60+ panel discussions on topics that relate to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights  (the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework), as well as current business-related human rights issues. 

The Forum is the foremost event to network, share experiences and learn about the latest initiatives to promote corporate respect for human rights.  

The UN Human Rights Council established the Forum in 2011 to serve as a global platform for stakeholders to ”discuss trends and challenges in the implementation of the Guiding Principles and promote dialogue and cooperation on issues linked to business and human rights.” It is guided and chaired by the Working Group on Business and Human Rights, as per Human Rights Council resolutions 17/4 and 35/7. 

Statements and submissions

Plenary statements

Government statements

Government written submissions

Other statements and written contributions

Learn more about the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights