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The 2017 Social Forum


02 - 04 October 2017

The 2017 Social Forum took place from 2 to 4 October 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. in accordance with paragraph 4 of Human Rights Council resolution 32/27.

The theme of the 2017 session of the Social Forum was the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of the HIV epidemic and other communicable diseases and epidemics.

Outcome documents

Videos from the Forum

  • Opening of the Social Forum keynote speakers and Geneva - Statements (video)
  • Panel 1: Setting the scene: Implementing health related SDGs through a human rights perspective (video)
  • Panel 2: Leaving no one behind: Discrimination and the realization of the right to health (video)
  • Panel 3: Focus on people: The role of civil society in the context of epidemics (video)
  • Panel 4: Focus on people: Communities leading programmes for health (video)
  • Panel 5: Health care workers on the frontline (video)
  • Panel 6: Building synergies for health: engaging diverse partners (video)
  • Panel 7: Translating principles into action: International cooperation for global responses and national implementation (video)
  • Panel 8: Translating principles into action: Access to medicines, diagnosis, vaccines and treatment in the context of the right to health (video)
  • Panel 9: The way forward (video)
  • Concluding Remarks from Participants and closure of the Social Forum (video)


The right to health is an inclusive right encompassing both access to health services, goods and facilities and the determinants of health. Its full realization enables the realization of other human rights, including the rights to food, housing, work, education, human dignity, life, non-discrimination and equality. HIV and other communicable diseases continue to exact an enormous toll on health globally, which has an impact not only at the individual, family and community levels, but also on development. A human rights-based approach to public policy in the health and relevant sectors is imperative for the prevention and treatment of HIV and other communicable diseases, as well as for the achievement of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

The Social Forum explored the role of human rights in this context with a view to identifying concrete action to be taken by States and other stakeholders to ensure the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights.

Further information