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The year 2019 marked the 20th anniversary of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants. A commemoration conference was held on 12 and 13 November 2019 at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. 

The aim of the conference was to take stock and look ahead; the event provided a space for the Special Rapporteur together with relevant stakeholders, and former Special Rapporteurs to reflect on the impact and achievements of the mandate at national, regional and international levels. It was also an opportunity to reflect further on the challenges facing the human rights of migrants today and explore thematic priorities for the future work of the mandate.

On the first day, the discussion was structured along the different methods of work of the mandate (thematic reports, country visits, communications and other advocacy activities), to explore how the mandate had contributed to the protection and realisation of the human rights of all migrants, and what lessons could be learned for the future work of the mandate.

On the second day, the thematic discussions focused on rights-based approaches to migration governance and protection gaps in the context of large movements. These sessions provided a space to reflect on how to address the current challenges facing migrants and migration governance today, and what role the mandate on the human rights of migrants could play.

See attached the Conference Programme.