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Assisting Communities Together (ACT): Grants to civil society organizations for human rights education activities

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Assisting Communities Together (ACT): Grants to civil society organizations for human rights education activities


Burkina Faso

Grantee: Cercles d’Etudes, de Recherches et de Formation Islamiques (CERFI)

  • Project title: Action musulmane pour la vulgarisation des droits humains à la lumière des textes coraniques

Project activities included one training workshop on human rights for religious leaders, the production and distribution of 500 leaflets about areas of convergence between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Koranic dictates, and 50 educational lectures for believers. As a result of the three days training workshop, 25 religious leaders increased their knowledge about human rights, learned on how to be in full possession of their rights, and were encouraged to get involved in the development of human rights activities. They also became human rights proponents and defenders as 10 of the participants conducted the 50 educational lectures. The lectures in 47 mosques, 2 radio broadcasts and 1 TV programme proved that the tools and concepts developed during the training workshop were well integrated. As a result of this activity, in parallel of the distribution of 500 leaflets (in French and in Arabic) in 50 mosques, more than 1,250 believers became aware of the fact that human rights are clearly related to their religion and that knowing them is a real springboard for their enjoyment.

Grantee: Planète Volontaires

  • Project title: Projet de réalisation et de diffusion audio-visuelle d’information, de sensibilisation et d’éducation sur les Droits de l’Homme à travers les chaînes de télévision du Burkina Faso, couplé de projections vidéo-débats en milieu rural

This project was designed to produce a short film on human rights, particularly on the economic, social and cultural rights of women, that highlights specific cases of violations, economic exploitation, violence and abuse against women, in the national language (Moore) with French subtitles. A film was produced, broadcast and rerun on television, and CD copies were also produced and widely distributed to institutions, civil society and individuals. In addition, film screenings were held, which were followed by debates and small group discussions on the issues presented by the film. As a result, the film and its wide distribution led to an increased awareness of women’s rights, and in some cases even a change in perspectives and behaviour towards women.


Grantee: Association pour la Promotion des Droits de la Femme, des Jeunes et du Citoyen (ASPROMOD)

  • Project title: Rural leadership and Food Security in arid and semi-arid areas

This project, which sought to train and mobilise rural habitants, was composed of three main activities. The first activity dealt with the production of communications tools, i.e. banners (3), posters (100), flyers (10,000), T-shirts and caps (33), which were used during the third activity for an awareness-raising campaign about food security. As a result, 10,000 seeds (papaya, carrot and sorghum) were distributed and 5,000 peasants have benefited from this activity. Regarding the last activity, 33 women and men were trained during a workshop that focused on the promotion of rural leadership, food safety, and the methods of mycorrhiza and drip irrigation. 245 radio spots were also broadcast on that matter. As a result of the project activities, 50% of farmers from disadvantaged groups were reached, as well as unemployed persons and women coming from working class villages. At the end the sustainability management of lands was strengthened and plant growth and their reproduction were improved.

Grantee: Femina International

  • Project title: Droits fonciers et justice sociale pour les populations Pygmées Baka

This project sought to promote social justice by sensitizing the Baka people to human rights, particularly as they relate to land ownership, and the procedures for obtaining a land title. Project activities focused on producing advocacy materials including posters, leaflets, banners and T-shirts; building capacities through workshops, informational tour and educational talks on land rights; and translating related materials including titles and other documents into the Baka language. As a result, the project was able to increase the awareness of the Baka people of the importance of effective access to land despite the lack of financial means to initiate such proceedings, the importance of the role of women within the Baka family, and problems that may hinder the implementation of agroforestry projects.

Dominican Republic

Grantee: Mujeres en Desarollo Dominicana, Inc (MUDE)

  • Project title: Mejorando las capacidades para reconocer la violencia contra la mujer en tres comuninades de la Provincia de Dajabón

This project was designed to fight violence against women through awareness raising, training and community intervention. Its specific objectives were twofold: first, to empower women between the ages of 15 and 59 years to report instances of gender-based violence and gain access to relevant services, and second, to strengthen and increase social participation of women’s associations through training that enables them to act and support each other in order to address problems of gender-based violence. Project activities included printing educational materials and conducting 23 training workshops for 395 women and three community networks/women’s associations (for a total of 75 women) on what to do and where to go if they experience, or know someone who experiences, domestic and/or gender-based violence. They were also trained the kind of support that is provided by relevant organizations for female victims of violence, including legal assistance and counseling. As a result, the target communities gained a better understanding of violence against women, the issue of gender-based violence was integrated into the working dynamics of women’s associations, and the women’s capacities were built to better identify and address issues of domestic and gender-based violence. The project also established synergies with the Provincial Hospital.

Grantee: Participación Ciudadana

  • Project title: Centro de apoyo y promoción de los Derechos Humanos en comunidades vulnerables

The project supported the establishment, in the existing "Casas Comunitarias de Justicia" (Justice community houses) of three municipalities in the Dominican Republic, of specific centers dedicated to human rights support and promotion (Centro de Apoyo y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos"). Through the project, which was implemented in collaboration with local authorities, the first two "inter-municipal human rights courses" and a course on conflict resolution were organized, to train - among others - staff of those centers and of the local institutions, and a service to receive and follow-up to allegations of human rights violations has been established and continues to function. The project also supported other human rights promotional activities, which included the elaboration of training materials in the context of the above-mentioned courses and a public information campaign in the concerned communities. 

El Salvador

Grantee: Fundación SHARE El Salvador

  • Project title: Encuentro: Felicidad y Diversidad Sexual como Derechos Humanos

Two primary activities were carried out. First, an art exhibition called “Voices from the Silence” was created in collaboration with the Legal Assistance for Sexual Diversity El Salvador (ALDES), the Department of Children and Youth, and the Municipality of Santa Tecla. It was held at the Museum Tecleño, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, from 18 to 28 February 2013 and highlighted the work of El Salvadoran artist Rodolfo Molina. The exhibition addressed four topics: homophobia, impunity, sexism and bullying. Secondly, “Encounters: Sexual Diversity, Happiness and Human Rights,” the first international conference on the human rights of the LGBTI community in the history of El Salvador, was organized and took place at the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeon Canas" (UCA ) in San Salvador, in March 2013. The two-day conference brought together 33 LGBTI activists, representatives of human rights organizations and faith communities academics, politicians, civil servants and lawyers. The conference and art exhibition created an inclusive, respectful and dignified space for discussion on issues of importance to LGBTI people in El Salvador, including impunity, the experience of being LGBT, and challenges that they face in accessing justice and demand that their human rights are respected as individuals and also as Salvadoran citizens. Those who attended the conference experienced the opportunity to deepen their own understanding of the human rights of LGBTI people, as well as national and international efforts to promote and protect these rights. These events also raised public awareness on these issues, and sent a message to decision makers and actors in the judicial system.

Grantee: Tutela Legal del Arzobispado de San Salvador

  • Project title: Producción, publicación y difusión de la Versión Popular de la Investigación de la Masacre de El Mozote

This Project promoted awareness of the 1981 El Mozote Massacre by printing and widely disseminating an updated revision of the book “El Mozote. Lucha por la Verdad y la Justicia. Masacre a la Inocencia” ("El Mozote. Fighting for Truth and Justice. Slaughter of Innocence”) by Tutela Legal, which was first published in 2008. The revised version, entitled “El Mozote. Lucha por la verdad y la justicia. Versión popular” (“El Mozote. Fighting for Truth and Justice. Popular Version”), was launched to the public in March 2013 through an event that was attended by more than 100 Mozote victims, Salvadoran government officials, NGOs, the human rights commission, youth leaders, members of the Ombudsman for the Defense of Human Rights and other stakeholders. A second event was held in the village of El Mozote in April 2013 with the participation of more than 400 victims, victims’ families, teachers and students from the village and surrounding area; more than 400 copies of the publication were distributed at the event. In addition, more than 300 hard copies were distributed to various community and youth leaders, and used for various discussion groups, meetings and workshops in several towns. The publication was also made available online on the public website of Legal Guardianship, and distributed to various sectors of the Salvadoran society including victims, community leaders, human rights defenders, university students and others). Such a wide dissemination of this publication has not only marked a critical step in the socialization of historical memory in El Salvador, but also allowed victims and families of the victims to openly discuss and reflect on the event.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Grantee: National Council for Gender Equality (NCGE), Skopje

  • Project title: Voice of young rural women and men

Project activities included three workshops and three one-day trainings in three rural municipalities where young people aged from 18 to 33 were educated about human rights, on how to identify the priorities and problems of young people in the community, and about “Advocacy and lobbying”. As a result of the realized activities, the beneficiaries – 90 young rural women and men from the three municipalities – were empowered, trained and motivated to get involved in the social life and decision making processes in their communities. At the end, they established three youth nongovernmental organizations that will act towards the promotion of the needs and priorities of the young people and have a long term impact in their communities.

Grantee: Women’s Civic Initiative ANTIKO, Skopje

  • Project title: Roma Women Can Do It - II

Three main activities were carried out, i.e. eight one-day workshops on political empowerment of young Roma; two public actions in the community, namely “Roma women – active participants in the political processes” and “Roma women in politics”; and a public hearing on topic “Participation of Roma woman in the politics”. Firstly, the workshops increased the knowledge of 39 men and women (political party members, students and civil society activists) on gender issues and their capacities for advocating issues related to equal opportunities for Roma women. The political empowerment of Roma women was strengthened and three women were already nominated as candidates at the electoral lists of counsellors of a municipality for the Local elections 2013. The second activity raised awareness about the need for inclusion of Roma women in the political processes through the realization of seven activities: two public debates with 50 participants (representatives of Roma political parties, civil society organizations and students); two public performances where 1,500 leaflets were delivered by 42 men and women; two TV shows and social networks campaign; a peace march involving 25 people; and a Manifest signed by 40 people from civil society organizations, political parties and students. Regarding the final main activity, the public hearing involved 46 representatives from political parties, civil society organizations, governmental institutions and students who debated on issues related to the participation of Roma women in the public and political life and their integration and status in the community. At the end the realized activities increased the participation of Roma women in public and political life and raised their awareness and capacities as well as those of students, political parties’ members, nongovernmental organizations, journalists and young active ‘Roma people.

Occupied Palestinian Territory

Grantee: Al Zahraa association for Woman & Child development

  • Project title: My Rights, My Responsibilities

This program sought to promote the rights of women living in the Middle Camps area, especially those who are divorced, widowed or been victims of gender-based violence, by: (1) building their capacities on women’s rights, (2) establishing a legal unit to provide legal awareness and consultation for women at violence, and (3) improving advocacy and lobbying efforts and conducting media campaigns on the issues. A 60-hour workshop was conducted to train 25 female trainers on various issues related to UN Resolution 1325, gender-based violence, women’s rights and relevant Palestinian laws, which had a positive impact on the way they perceived women’s rights discourse and meaning. Through the project, 7 legal awareness sessions were also held on women’s rights for 234 beneficiaries (both male and female) to not only sensitize them to legal information and relevant organizations that work in providing consultation and other services, but also provide a space for in-depth and confidential discussion on how to seek legal support. Through a volunteer lawyer, more than 40 clients received individual legal consultations on a range of issues around marriage, separation and ownership rights, and were subsequently referred to other organizations to work further on their issues. Finally, the project promoted awareness of these issues through the distribution of 200 booklets on human rights and women’s rights, as well as through messages on two billboards and three radio spots. These activities provided a foundation for a dialogue around human rights and the rights of the women in the targeted area, as well as the knowledge and skills to become advocates in this area.

Grantee: Women and Family Affairs Centre (WAFAC)

  • Project title: Education is a Right for All

The project focused on five primary objectives: reducing the dropout rate of (especially female) children with disabilities in 10 primary schools; increasing awareness among parents, schools and the communities on the importance of educating persons with disabilities and providing them with tools to deal with persons with disabilities; strengthening the relationships among the schools, parents and their communities; building the capacity of teachers to teach students with special needs; and providing tools for improving education and tools for children with disabilities. As a result of the project, there was an overall improvement in the psychological situation of the students and their inclusion in school activities, and 26 students saw an improvement of their academic achievements, particularly in Arabic and mathematics. The overall student body seemed to have gained a better understanding of accepting students with special needs, and expressed a willingness to help their peers in their studies and homework. Additionally, teachers of inclusive education programs better equipped to work with students with special needs and learning disabilities.

Republic of Moldova

Grantee: Institute for Democracy (Comrat)

  • Project title: Combating Domestic Violence in Gagauzia

The project carried out was composed of eight main activities that focused on violence against women, i.e. four seminars; three publications in international law journal; one TV broadcast; printing and free distribution of 2,500 brochures and 20,000 leaflets. The number of participants of the project has been more than it was expected and showed beneficiaries’ interest in the events. The first two seminars (“They are victims: Methods of Urgent Psychological Help to Victims of Violence” and “Preventing and Fighting the Violence against Young Women”) strengthened 70 policemen awareness about domestic violence, women rights, gender equality issues, and methods of prevention of the violence against women. The two last seminars (“Increasing the Role of Police in Preventing and Fighting the Violence against Women” and “International and National Legislation and Methods of Fighting the Violence”) improved the knowledge of 51 students – from the University involved in training future policemen, public prosecutor and judges – increasing the role and proficiency of (future) authorities in fighting the violence against women. TV audience, readers of brochures, leaflets, articles in mass media reached altogether about 50,000 of beneficiaries whose awareness on domestic violence and methods of its prevention has been increased. The three scientific articles (“Violence against Women: Characteristics and Methods of Prevention”; “Topical Aspects of Combating Violence” and “Combating Violence against Women: Characteristics of the Domestic Legislation) published in international law journal were distributed among high-ranking officials, scientists, judges and students. Attracting public’s attention and stimulating the discussions on the problem of violence, the TV broadcast received positive feedback from viewers. Furthermore, 2,500 brochures that compiled existing instruments on combating violence were freely distributed among policemen, students and NGOs, as well as 20,000 leaflets containing for example citations from national laws, information on where a complaint regarding an act of domestic violence has to be filed and the list of hotline telephone numbers for helping victims.

Grantee: Media Center

  • Project title: Building Human Rights Awareness through the Mass Media in Transnistria

Four activities were carried out through the project: two Media-clubs on “Human Rights”, a competition of journalistic materials entitled “Human Rights are Above All”, and the publication of human rights materials. Firstly, the Media-clubs allowed 63 participants (NGO representatives, lawyers, journalists, staff of the Transnistria Ombudsman and the Commissioner) to openly discuss the human rights situation in Transnistria. These discussions were very important for the participants’ work in preparing awareness and advocacy materials on human rights, particularly in regards to sensitizing the public on human rights issues and informing them on what can be done in cases where their human rights are violated. Secondly, through the competition of journalistic materials, eight journalists not only made contacts with human rights NGOs and with lawyers but also learned how to prepare materials on promoting human rights and informing the general public about existing violations. Finally, the project supported the publishing of ten materials in seven media outlets; these materials provided concrete examples of human rights violations along with recommendations on how to proceed in the case of violations. These materials were widely used: for instance, the 58 materials published on the Media Center website received more than 16,575 views from the general public, and the two articles printed by the “Civil Society” newspaper were printed into 999 copies. The Media Center estimates that this project reached 60,800 citizens of Transnistria, whose knowledge on human rights was strengthened through the project activities.

Sudan (Darfur)

Grantee: Nedal Charitable Association for Peace and Development (NCAPD)

  • Project title: Promoting Human Rights and Gender Equity through Human Rights Education

This project was designed to promote discussion on human rights and gender issues within mainstream society, create a pool of human rights educators from amongst the local people, sensitize community groups and students in academic institutions with human rights knowledge and skills, and build the capacity of the community groups to raise issues of critical concern and challenge human rights abuses. A training of trainers was conducted for 25 high school teachers in Mellit Locality, during which the teachers discussed issues such as basic human rights, legal reinforcement and related support mechanisms for women who have suffered violence, and traditional practices that are harmful to women. Furthermore, five practice sessions on human rights and gender issues were conducted for 180 high school students across five different schools. In order to sensitize the public on human rights and gender issues, the project conducted a workshop on issue-based drama production on human rights and gender issues for 25 high school students in the area, who later performed four drama performances on different occasions for more than 700 people. Through these activities, the project successfully raised awareness on international human rights instruments and domestic laws related to equality and non-discrimination in Mellit Locality of the North Darfur State.

Grantee: Al Mustagbal Legal Aid - Zalingei Branch

  • Project title: Awareness Raising and Development of Networks

In order to build capacities and raise awareness on avenues available for the realization of human rights and the utilization of the same channels in practice, this project conducted three legal aid workshops for Government officials, police officers, teachers, female community leaders and indigenous people to build their capacities to act as human rights defenders. The workshops, which were the first legal aid workshops to be conducted in the Central State of Darfur, trained the participants on the basics of legal action as well as general human rights principles and concepts.


Grantee: Association Tunisienne d’Information et d’Orientation sur le Sida (ATIOS)

  • Project title: Réforme du cadre Juridique et Promotion des droits humains pour la garantie de la dignité de la personne

This project conducted three workshops: one on the decriminalization of drug use for 28 opinion leaders, the second on human rights and non-discrimination in prison for 36 prison staff, and a third one specifically for 48 policymakers. These workshops promoted awareness on the issues of stigma, discrimination and social exclusion experienced by persons living with HIV, prisoners and drug users in Tunisia.