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OHCHR: a vocal human rights advocate in the Committee on World Food Security

OHCHR and the right to food

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OHCHR brings a human rights lens to technical discussions on food, allowing the structural causes of food insecurity and malnutrition to be fully assessed. Our analyses identify long-entrenched patterns of exclusion and discrimination, including gender discrimination, that have prevented the most vulnerable from claiming their rightful access to food.

OHCHR has been bringing this lens in instruments and awareness-raising events in the context of the Committee on World Food Security. In particular, we have contributed to policy instruments such as:

New CFS Guidelines on food systems and nutrition

In 2017 the CFS decided to embark on a policy convergence process to align the food, agriculture and health sectors.

We have been at the forefront of the development of the Voluntary Guidelines for Food Systems and Nutrition to ensure they reflect and promote international human rights standards.

These guidelines are being presented to the Committee for endorsement in October 2020.

Draft one of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) is available in all 6 UN languages on the FAO website.