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Thematic reports

A/HRC/31/59: Report reviewing the conceptual and legal framework of cultural rights


12 January 2016

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Cultural rights


This is the first report of the second mandate holder. In it, the newly appointed Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights reflects on the valuable work undertaken by the mandate during its first 6 years and highlights priority areas in which she believes further advances should be made in the future.

This report also begins to explore the issue of intentional destruction of cultural heritage (see the page on Cultural heritage for more information)


The independent expert commits to coordinating with other United Nations mechanisms that relate to cultural rights. Thematically, she proposes to explore the following topics:

  1. the intentional destruction of cultural heritage, including destructions that occur in the name of "development";
  2. diverse forms of fundamentalism and extremism and their impact on cultural rights;
  3. the situation of artists, scientists and intellectuals at risk, who face a wide range of violations of their human rights around the world;
  4. the cultural rights of persons in situations of vulnerability, including children, migrants and refugees and persons with disabilities.

Learn more about the nature of cultural rights, issues at stake and challenges.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights

Delivered To:

Human Rights Council at its 31st session, March 2016