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Seventh session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights - Participation

This page describes how interventions are to take place during the seventh session of the OEIGWG.

Who is allowed to intervene

UN Member and Observer States, specialized agencies and other international organizations, national human rights institutions with "A status" accreditation, and NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status are allowed to intervene, in that order.

All members of the public will be able to watch the session through the webcast available on UN Web TV and listen to the live audio stream in all UN languages.

When to sign up to make an intervention

When to sign up to make an intervention depends upon whether the intervention will take place during the general statement portion of the programme or during the State-led negotiations, article by article.

  • Signing up for the general statement portion:
    • The list of speakers is now open for the general statement portion of the programme. Those interested in speaking should let the Secretariat know as soon as possible. The list of speakers for this portion will close at 10am CET on Monday, 25 October.
  • Signing up for the negotiations: States do not need to sign up for the list of speakers for this segment. For non-State interventions:
    • The list of speakers for each article will open when the Chair presents the draft text to be discussed.
    • The list of speakers for each article will close once States complete their discussion of the relevant article.

How to sign up to be on the list of speakers

To sign up for the list of speakers, all those entitled to speak should send an email to with the following information:

  • The session during which the oral intervention is to take place: e.g., “General statement (Monday, AM)”
  • How the intervention will take place (see further information below):
    • in person delivery,
    • remotely through Zoom, or
    • (for general statement portion only) through a pre-recorded video message
  • The type of stakeholder speaking: e.g., State, specialized agency, IGO, NHRI, or NGO
  • Name of the State or organization(s): noting if it is a joint statement
  • Name of the speaker
  • A copy of the oral statement: If an oral statement is sent, please copy in the email. Please note if you do not want the statement posted on the website.

How interventions will take place

Interventions may be made in one of three ways:

  • In person in Room XX: State delegates can raise their placards to request the floor. Non-State delegates on the list of speakers should use the conference-table seats reserved for that purpose.
  • Through Zoom: All those accredited through UNOG’s Indico system will receive a Zoom link (not to be shared). State delegates can request the floor by raising their hand in the Zoom application. Those on the list of speakers should raise their hand when it is their turn to speak.
    • Interventions may be delivered in any UN language. For interpretation to work when you are speaking, you must speak the language of the interpretation channel you are listening to.
    • Please follow the Zoom Guidelines and Recommendations.
  • Through a pre-recorded video statement (for general statement portion only): Video statements must be sent to by 10am CET on Sunday, 24 October.

Rules governing interventions

Given the State-led negotiations, article by article, the Chair encourages delegations to make textual proposals on the various provisions of the draft text in English, whereas any general comments and explanations can be in any UN language.

In order to allow for the largest possible number of substantive contributions, participants are kindly requested to limit their interventions to be as concise and succinct as possible. The time limits for interventions depend upon whether the intervention will take place during the general statement portion of the programme or during the State-led negotiations.

  • Time limits for the general statement portion:
    • States (and regional organizations): 5 minutes
    • All other stakeholders: 2 minutes (3 minutes if a joint statement involving multiple organizations entitled to speak (e.g., two NGOs with ECOSOC status))
  • Time limits during the negotiations:
    • States (and regional organizations): no limit
    • All other stakeholders: depending on the availability of time, this may be limited to 2 minutes (3 minutes if a joint statement involving multiple organizations entitled to speak (e.g., two NGOs with ECOSOC status))

Abusive or disrespectful language or derogatory and inflammatory remarks by any participant will not be tolerated during the session. All participants should ensure that a sense of respect and tolerance permeates the discussion.