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保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利委员会今天上午举行其第二十三届会议,听取了人权事务高级专员办事处人权条约司焦点小组科科长詹姆斯•希楠先生(James Heenan)的发言并通过议程和工作方案。

希楠先生回顾道,人权事务高级专员扎伊德•拉阿德•侯赛因在人权理事会上一届会议期间用最强烈的措辞反对了“移民是负担”的观念。他关切那些试图进入澳大利亚和美国的移徙者,关切全球各地移徙者经常受到的虐待,并称赞了欧盟近期决定用更全面的办法解决移徙问题。2015年后成果文件:《变革我们的世界—2030年可持续发展议程(Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)》已于8月2日通过,虽不完美,但该文件将打击不平等、歧视和排斥作为核心,也包括了移民的权利。在2015年6月的年度会议上,条约机构主席们通过了《圣何塞准则》,该原则规定了条约机构可用的、应对与委员会合作的个人或组织受到威胁或报复问题的一致对策。




人权事务高级专员办事处人权条约司焦点小组科科长詹姆斯•希楠先生(James Heenan)回顾道,2015年6月30日在纽约举行的第七次公约缔约国会议期间,缔约国以及各方讨论了批准公约的好处。希楠先生还向委员会做了关于人权理事会相关进展的简报,表示人权事务高级专员已在其开场发言和关于移徙者人权的互动对话中探讨了移徙者权利的问题。高级专员扎伊德•拉阿德•侯赛因用最强烈的措辞反对了“移民是负担”的观念,他关切那些试图进入澳大利亚和美国的人,关切全球各地移徙者经常受到的虐待。

关于地中海危机问题,高级专员称赞了欧盟近期决定用更全面的办法解决移徙问题。移民人权问题特别报告员弗朗索瓦•克雷波(Francois Crepeau)介绍了其对斯里兰卡、意大利和马耳他国别访问的报告,以及他关于欧盟边境管理的报告。理事会已通过了一份关于移徙者人权保护的决议并在其中要求人权事务高级专员办事处在其2016年3月的届会前提交一份关于过境移徙者状况的研究。




FRANCISCO CARRIÓN MENA, Committee Chairperson, stressed the importance of the emphasis on the rights of migrants in the High Commissioner’s address to the Human Rights Council, and welcomed his naming of countries concerned by the current migrant crises, including Sri Lanka and Australia.

A Committee Expert expressed concern about the dire situation of migrants who were trying to cross the Mediterranean and said that it was a responsibility of all human beings to handle this situation with the welfare of other humans in mind; this was a situation which must receive more attention. Another Expert welcomed the initiative for this Committee and the Committee on the Rights of the Child to issue joint statements and said that there was a need to think about standing coordination and links with other human rights treaty bodies with regards to the human rights of migrants. Further, minimum coordination needed to exist between the Committee, the Special Rapporteur and the Migrants’ Unit at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

There had not been much discussion about the causes that were at the root of the current migrant crisis in the Mediterranean; until that was understood, it would not be possible to address this issue properly. There were thousands of women, men and children who were dying on their migratory routes; given this tragic situation, the Committee could not satisfy itself with just reading States’ reports, but must act and wake up humanity, to reject the putting up of barbed wire. The Committee could not continue with its business as usual, but should attempt to propose meaningful solutions and not remain silent. The mandate of the Committee as set out by the Convention had been overtaken by reality on the ground, said Experts and proposed to take time to examine the Convention and find out how it could act and pay special attention to the current situation. The humanitarian character of the current situation meant that the Committee needed to do more than what it was mandated to do, but it needed to do so within its mandate, competence and means, stressed an Expert. Restrictive interpretation of the Convention was not enough in the light of the humanitarian duty that the Committee had.

Responding to comments and issues raised by Committee Experts, JAMES HEENAN, Chief of the Groups in Focus, Human Rights Treaties Division at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, agreed that the Committee should set aside time during the current session to discuss the response to the migration crisis. The Committee did have a role in the crisis, and had the role for hundreds of millions of migrants who were not in crisis and who relied on the Convention for the enjoyment of their human rights. The voice of the Committee was an authoritative one and people would listen if the Committee came with a principled position; the challenge for the Committee was to find a message that would be listened to. There were a number of other events that the Committee could influence, for example the high-level meeting on European response to the migration crisis on 14 September. The event on 8 September, where a number of State parties would be present, was another such opportunity.


For use of the information media; not an official record
