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人权理事会主席波德莱尔•恩冬•艾拉(Baudelaire Ndong Ella)大使在开幕致辞中表示,本次特别会议应人权理事会38个成员国和65个观察员国的要求召开。
联合国日内瓦办事处代理总干事迈克尔•默勒(Michael Møller)宣读潘基文秘书长的书面致辞表示,中非共和国现在处于一种“自由落体”状态,这一历史上罕见的危机需要国际社会立即共同采取一致行动。他指出,难以言状和大规模的侵犯人权行为已经被记录在案,骇人听闻的虐待行为已导致基督教和穆斯林社区的分裂。他促请成员国团结一致并立即共同努力支持这一生死攸关的行动。

特别程序协调委员会查洛卡•贝亚尼(Chaloka Beyani)也在理事会发言,他重申对前塞勒卡联盟和反巴拉卡组织犯下的严重人权侵犯和虐待行为深表关切。 
中非共和国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表利奥波德•桑巴(Leopold Ismael Samba)作为当事国在会议上发言时表示,中非共和国对于国际社会所表达的关切表示欢迎。他指出,该国的确存在着种族灭绝的风险,如果对此不采取任何行动,这种风险将会迅速演变为现实。中非人民正在从内部毁灭自己,这是因为他们受到教派因素的操纵。中非共和国比以往任何时候都需要一项全面的解决框架,甚至是一项‘马歇尔计划’,来避免危机向该地区周边国家扩散。


代理总干事表示,联合国日内瓦办事处正密切跟进中非共和国的进展并与同事和伙伴合作来解决危机的安全、政治、人道主义和人权层面的问题。他还提到了今天由欧盟主办的有关这一危机的高级别会议,联合国也派紧急救济协调员瓦莱丽•阿莫斯(Valerie Amos)参与,以明确可持续且有效的人道主义参与活动的优先顺序。他表示,中非共和国的悲剧已经持续很长一段时间,国际社会再也不能任其继续发展下去。今天的特别会议是确保其不再继续成为一个‘被遗忘的危机’、促使各方对此做出积极回应而采取的重要一步。如果不尊重所有人的权利,就无法终结目前暴力和社区间冲突的循环。



特别程序协调委员会主席查洛卡•贝亚尼(CHALOKA BEYANI)代表人权理事会特别程序协调委员会发言,并重申其对前塞勒卡联盟和反巴拉卡组织实施的严重人权侵犯和虐待行为深表关切。大规模人权侵犯和虐待行为被报道,包括即审即决、失踪、大规模抢劫、性和性别暴力。特别程序再次重申对大量的境内流离失所者和难民深表关切,他们继续被攻击并成为人权侵犯和虐待行为的目标。2008年,该国62%的人口生活在贫困线以下,近期的危机给这个经济上边缘化的国家带来了冲击,但危机的根源由来已久。没有法治且有罪不罚现象泛滥。特别程序机制在早期预警中的作用怎么强调都不为过。人权理事会设立的一项国别任务和安理会设立的调查委员会都是国际社会与中非共和国临时政府合作采取的积极措施。特别程序将继续时刻准备着支持独立专家执行其任务。 
中非共和国代表利奥波德•桑巴(Leopold Ismael Samba)在作为议题当事国发言时对于国际社会所表达的关切表示欢迎。今天在亚的斯亚贝巴和布鲁塞尔举行的会议就是这些关切最明显的证明。他在开始时为中非共和国无法派政府代表团赴会表示歉意。该国持续的安全和人道主义状况要求紧急任命一名独立专家,并动员国际社会重塑中非共和国的法治。他指出,该国的确存在着种族灭绝的风险,如果对此不采取任何行动,这种风险将会迅速演变为现实。中非人民正在从内部毁灭自己,这是因为他们受到教派因素的操纵。中非共和国比以往任何时候都需要一项全面的解决框架,甚至是一项‘马歇尔计划’,来避免危机向该地区周边国家扩散。
Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of the African Group, said that the situation in the Central African Republic required an urgent intervention by the international community.  The African Group was deeply concerned over the breakdown of public order and the senseless violence, which had taken a heavy toll on the civilian population.  The African Group deplored any unsubstantiated allegations made against the International Support Mission to the Central African Republic, whose effective operation was very critical in stabilizing the country and in the restoration of constitutional order.
Greece, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said that it was very concerned by the breaches of international law committed by all parties to the conflict, especially by large-scale executions of Christian and Muslim civilians on 5 and 6 December 2013.  The European Union welcomed the reinforcement of the International Support Mission to the Central African Republic, but stressed that the primary responsibility for the protection of civilian population lay with the transitional Government.
Republic of Congo, speaking on behalf of the Francophone Group, called on the international community to hold perpetrators of human rights violations accountable for their crimes.  The Francophone Group would intensify its efforts in the Central African Republic with the view of finding a durable solution, and asked that the Human Rights Council appoint an Independent Expert without delay.
Mexico said it was particularly concerned by violations of international humanitarian law, as well as of human rights in the Central African Republic.  Mexico deplored the sexual violence against women and girls as well as the recruitment and use of child soldiers.  The displacement of almost one million people was equally a cause for concern.  There was an urgent need to appoint an Independent Expert on the human rights situation in the Central African Republic. 
Argentina said the worsening political, humanitarian and security situations was reflected in the High Commissioner’s report and Argentina supported the appointment of an Independent Expert to study the human rights situation in the country and make the necessary recommendations.  Argentina also encouraged inter-community dialogue in the Central African Republic.  Impunity must be combated.  Urgent, rapid and safe access must be given to humanitarian operations. 
France said the facts described in the High Commissioner’s report were terrible: rape, murder, pillage and looting with impunity throughout the country, as well as torture, sexual violence, enforced disappearance and widespread public executions.  The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimated over 300,000 child soldiers had been mobilized.  Inter-community and inter-faith violence led to fears that the situation may become uncontrollable.  France supported the International Commission of Inquiry, in addition to the appointment of an Independent Expert. 
Russian Federation said that there were now more than one million internally displaced persons, and almost all economic activity in the Central African Republic had ceased.  The critical humanitarian situation was of particular concern.  The Russian Federation hoped that the transitional Government would soon select a new Head of Government, who would in turn ensure the conduct of democratic presidential and parliamentary elections.
Peru said that the Central African Republic’s ability to stop the violence and provide protection to the civilian population was questionable.  In that context, it was fundamental that the international community ensure the rapid stabilization of the humanitarian situation, with the aim of re-establishing the rule of law and creating conditions for free elections.  The establishment of the Commission of Inquiry represented an  important step in that direction. 
Czech Republic emphasized that the protection of civilians remained a priority concern.  The lack of accountability for serious human rights abuses had unfortunately contributed to renewed cycles of violence, making women and children particularly vulnerable.  Humanitarian access to civilians throughout the country had to be facilitated and security ensured.  The Czech Republic called on all parties in the Central African Republic to cooperate fully with the Independent Expert.
Chile said despite the efforts towards reconciliation, the situation in the Central African Republic was still very volatile and dangerous.  Chile emphatically condemned the widespread human rights violations, particularly acts against women, girls and boys.  The international community also had a level of responsibility to help bring about peace.  Chile said the protection of children and efforts to further dialogue between local religious leaders were needed, as well as the appointment of an Independent Expert.
United Kingdom called upon all parties to refrain from any act of violence against civilians, particularly women and girls, to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access and to guarantee full respect for human rights.  It said the conflict must not be manipulated by those who want to exploit religious differences.  The United Kingdom supported the appointment of a new Independent Expert, and echoed calls for the international community to contribute to the humanitarian appeal; the United Kingdom had already provided $ 20 million and hoped other States would support the appeal.
China said it was deeply concerned about the security, human rights and humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic and condemned all acts of violence in that country.  China hoped that the political groups in the country would proceed from the fundamental interests of the people of the Central African Republic to improve the situation, ensure stability and encourage cooperation between the different ethnic groups.  China was willing to provide help to the Central African Republic so as to achieve peace, security and development.
Cuba said that it had closely followed the events unfolding in the Central African Republic, the root causes of which could be found in the colonial past, structural poverty, and the unfair international order.  The opinion of the African Group and the country concerned had to be taken into consideration for any proposed solution.  Cuba believed that violations of the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the Central African Republic should not be allowed under any circumstances.
Algeria said that the mass violations of human rights and the overall breakdown of public order were of serious concern.  Algeria called on all parties to stop the violence as soon as possible, and applauded the efforts of the African Union to address the situation.  Algeria also supported the call for the appointment of an Independent Expert to help prevent violations of human rights in the field and bring an end to violence.
Ireland was deeply alarmed by the report of the team of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.  The targeting of children was totally unacceptable and demanded a swift response.  Ireland commended the leadership role of the African Union, supported by France.  It was imperative that accountability constituted part of the international response. 
Indonesia said the situation in the Central African Republic should be comprehensively addressed as a matter of priority.  It deserved the utmost attention of the international community in order to avoid further casualties and potential spill-over to neighbouring countries.  Indonesia hoped that the outcome of the special session would not only serve as a demonstration of the Council’s commitment but also be beneficial to the people and the country.  It supported continued efforts by the African Union and the Economic Community for Central African States to bring peace to the country. 
Germany said that after Syria, this was another “mega-humanitarian crisis”.  Germany was particularly alarmed by reports of extra-judicial killings, kidnappings, mutilations, widespread looting, sexual abuse, burning of homes and villages, and use of child soldiers.  The Council must send the message that it would not tolerate impunity.  Once again moderate voices of different religious and faith leaders were lacking – as seen in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s and in the atrocities committed by Boko Haram in Nigeria today. 
Gabon said for almost two decades the population of the Central African Republic had seen a succession of crises that had de-structured the State and led to rising human rights violations.  Gabon was concerned about the deteriorating situation exacerbated by inter-community and inter-confessional violence as well as the mass displacement of populations.  Gabon appealed to the international community to respond urgently to the financial and humanitarian needs of the Central African Republic.  Gabon called upon the Council to adopt the draft resolution submitted by the African Group by consensus. 
Montenegro expressed grave concern about the serious human rights violations being perpetrated in the Central African Republic.  Montenegro noted that the preliminary findings by the monitoring mission stated that nearly half of the country’s population was now in need of humanitarian assistance.  Montenegro believed that the international community had to act immediately to address the array of serious violations committed against civilians.
United States said that it was co-sponsoring the draft resolution which would be voted on later in the day.  The reports of heinous acts of violence committed against women and children were especially troubling.  The United States supported the activities of the African-led mission and French troops as the most immediate solution.  The United States also supported the efforts of the transitional National Council, which would need to work with the Independent Expert and the Commission of Inquiry.  Those responsible for grave human rights violations had to be held accountable.
Japan stated that the escalation of the conflict in the Central African Republic had caused many civilian deaths and a rapid increase in the numbers of internally displaced persons and refugees.  The dreadful cycle of violence and retaliation had to stop immediately, and the restoration of public order was vital to prevent further loss of human rights and human rights violations.  Japan demanded the early appointment of the Independent Expert.
Italy strongly condemned the heinous crimes committed in the Central African Republic and the intolerable suffering of the civilians, and said the violations may amount to crimes under the Rome Statute, to which the Central African Republic was a State party.   Italy was seriously concerned about the ongoing exploitation of religious divides and supported efforts to promote inter-communal and inter-confessional dialogue.  Italy had provided $ 500,000 to improve food security and had allocated $ 2 million for child protection.  Italy urged the appointment of an Independent Expert. 
Morocco said the widespread human rights violations included deliberate attacks against civilians and the forces of the International Support Mission to the Central African Republic.  Those abuses were often reprisals targeting victims simply because of their ethnic origin or religion.  The international community must do all it could to ensure radical and terrorist groups which were thriving in the Sahel regions did not exploit the political void in the Central African Republic.  Morocco praised the work of the United Nations agencies in the crisis, particularly the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). 
Romania praised the delegation of the Central African Republic, and the African Group, for requesting the special session on the Central African Republic.  It said the worsening of the conflict, the proven existence of massive human rights violations and the threat of it further spiralling into inter-confessional violence was a huge concern.  Romania hoped that the Independent Expert would be appointed, would start his or her work soon, and would be able to submit a first report to the March session of the Human Rights Council.
Austria shared the concerns expressed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights and was worried about all the human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law.  Austria had recently decided to make a financial contribution to respond to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic.  It was vital that there was no impunity for those responsible for serious violations of human rights.  Austria believed that it was important to ensure consistency between the Independent Expert and the existing missions in the Central African Republic.
United Arab Emirates stated that the crisis had led to the flight of one fifth of the population of the Central African Republic.  The United Arab Emirates supported all international and regional  efforts to restore peace, security and reconciliation among the warring parties in the Central African Republic.
Estonia condemned all the violence committed by parties to the conflict, including extrajudicial killings, torture, sexual violence and recruitment of children in armed groups.  All parties to the conflict had to respect human rights and international humanitarian law.  It was crucial that all perpetrators were brought to justice, and Estonia welcomed the appointment of the Independent Expert.  Estonia also encouraged the transitional authorities to ensure women’s full and equal participation in the process.
Sierra Leone said the conflict in the Central African Republic needed to be brought to an end before it degenerated into genocide.  Perpetrators of gross human rights abuses must be brought to justice.  Sierra Leone stressed the need to address widespread poverty in the Central African Republic, citing the adage “a hungry man is an angry man”.  As the conflict had degenerated into a religious one, any long-term solution must include mechanisms for inter-religious dialogue. 
Maldives called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between the ex-Seleka and anti-Balaka in the Central African Republic.  It also spoke about concerning allegations of external involvement in the conflict that could further escalate an already volatile situation.  Women and children were particularly vulnerable in conflict situations, said the Maldives, condemning acts of sexual violence such as rape and sexual slavery and demanding full implementation of  Security Council resolution 1325.  Maldives called for the urgent deployment of the International Commission of Inquiry to investigate war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights. 
South Africa said the people of the Central African Republic had for two decades endured grave and almost unrelenting violations of their human rights, with the failure of a series of peace agreements and near-total breakdown of the rule of law.  South Africa welcomed the adoption of Security Council resolution 2127 authorizing the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic aimed at protecting civilians and restoring State authority over the whole territory, as well as creating conditions conducive to humanitarian assistance. 
Viet Nam condemned the acts of human rights violations in the Central African Republic, especially acts against vulnerable groups, such as women and children.  Human rights could only be fully and sustainably protected and promoted when peace and security were restored.  Viet Nam appreciated the assistance provided by the African Union and countries present on the ground.  External support, with the host country’s prerequisite consent, was significant in bringing about peace and security. 
Venezuela believed that the serious humanitarian situation required the solidarity of peoples from across the world, with the view of finding a rapid solution to the crisis in the Central African Republic.  Venezuela commended all initiatives supporting peace and restoring security in the Central African Republic, and recognized the important role of the African Union.  In this process, the integrity and sovereignty of the country in question had to be respected.
Congo said that there had been six sessions of the Economic Community for Central African States over the previous year, which had demonstrated the ongoing interest of African countries in the situation in the Central African Republic.  The Government of Congo was actively providing different kinds of assistance to the Central African Republic.  Congo condemned all kinds of incitement to hatred and all breaches of international humanitarian law.  All perpetrators should be held accountable and brought to trial. 
Costa Rica said that, unfortunately, the current situation could have been seen coming. Since 2004 onwards, the Central African Republic had been embroiled in a humanitarian crisis, which had in a way been forgotten and neglected by most.  Today, the Central African Republic required decisive and urgent actions by the Human Rights Council and the international community at large.  Costa Rica asked why the international community did not recognize the right to peace, and said that proactive efforts should be made to  prohibit war and armed conflict worldwide.
Brazil expressed its deep concern with the situation in the Central African Republic and hoped the session could contribute to the identification of strategies that could alleviate the suffering of so many in the Central African Republic.  The recognition that development, peace and security, and human rights were interlinked and mutually reinforcing was essential to address the root causes of instability.  The sooner issues such as social exclusion, discrimination, injustice, underdevelopment and food insecurity were addressed, the sooner an end to the violence could be allowed. 
African Union said that the holding of today’s session pointed incontestably to the strong wish of the African Union, which represented 60 African States, to reverse the situation in the Central African Republic which was a risk to the entire region.  The African Union hoped that the future interim authorities of the country, since today’s session happily coincided with their election in Bangui, would have all the resources they needed to end the odious crimes committed and restore peace and security in the Central African Republic. 
Turkey was deeply concerned by the serious deterioration in the friendly country of the Central African Republic and called on any action that might intensify ethnic and religious tensions to be avoided.  The establishment of a new government must create the conditions for domestic reconciliation.  The mandate of the Independent Expert, expected to be established at the end of the session would be important in determining the means of technical assistance.
Egypt reaffirmed its solidarity with the people of the Central African Republic in these dire times.  Egypt fully supported the restoration of stability and the achievement of prosperity for the people of the Central African Republic, and was deeply concerned about the escalating situation in different parts of the country.  Egypt stressed its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Central African Republic.  The international community should spare no efforts to ensure the prompt return to normalcy and the rule of law.
Togo invited national authorities to ensure that all perpetrators of human rights violations were brought to justice.  Togo exhorted the transitional authorities to work together with the international forces deployed in the field, and asked all stakeholders to create the necessary conditions for the provision of the necessary humanitarian aid.  Efforts had to be made to ensure that the Central African Republic did not turn into a sanctuary for terrorists.
Tunisia expressed solidarity with the people of the Central African Republic.  Condemning firmly all violence from all sides, especially against innocent civilians, Tunisia appealed to all parties to the conflict to immediately stop such acts.  Tunisia strongly encouraged dialogue for a peaceful negotiated solution which would preserve lives and take the country out of the fratricidal war.
Lithuania said all parties to the conflict must put an immediate end to the violence against civilians, the killings and the looting.  The most vulnerable groups – women and children – must be protected.  Sexual violence, recruitment and use of children in armed forces and their killing and abduction must end.  All perpetrators of human rights violations must be held accountable and those responsible must be brought to justice.  Lithuania stressed the need to involve women in conflict resolution and any peace process.
Spain said this moment of consensus must be seized.  Greater commitment was needed given the rapid deterioration of the situation in the Central African Republic.  The  burning of churches and mosques and private homes was a deep concern.  Spain condemned sexual slavery and other violations by groups carried out with total impunity.  Spain was also concerned about the inter-religious and inter-ethnic nature of the conflict.  It was vital that the Independent Expert took office immediately and was facilitated in his or her work by the national authorities.
Belgium was particularly alarmed by the violations against women and children.  Acts of sexual violence against women and girls were being committed by armed groups with impunity, and children were not being spared – they suffered the same violations as adults.  For Belgium, such flagrant mass violations of human rights and international law should not remain unpunished – perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions.   

For use of the information media; not an official record
