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Policy and methodological publications

Human Rights and Gender Equality in Health Sector Strategies: How to Assess Policy Coherence


01 May 2011


Gender mainstreaming

This tool is designed to support countries to strengthen national health strategies. The publication poses critical questions to identify gaps and opportunities in the review or reform of health sector strategies. Analysis tables include critical questions rooted in international human rights and gender equality principles to trace country commitments and obligations through international commitments; national legal and policy frameworks; and health sector strategies. The third assessment level includes analysis tables dedicated to each building block of a health system in addition to an overarching table that maps out process issues when developing a health sector strategy. All assessment levels aim to enable national health teams to identify gaps and entry points for reducing health inequities through upholding State commitments and obligations on human rights, gender equality and health.




Published jointly by OHCHR with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)