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Promotion and protection of human rights around the globe

Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe.

It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. It meets at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Feature Stories

Human Rights Council feature stories

Environmental human rights defenders must be heard and protected
“Every day, environmental human rights defenders face abuse, threats and harassment for their work addressing the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and nature loss,” said Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, during a high-level virtual event co-organized by Sweden and UN Human Rights.
Accountability for gross violations is an obligation - UN expert
“Accountability and appropriate sanctions for perpetrators are essential conditions for a peaceful and sustainable transition,” says Fabián Salvioli, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence.
Social protection must be strengthened before the next crisis
In his latest report, the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Olivier De Schutter, said the millions of people thrown into extreme poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic should be a warning sign. He pushed for the creation of a Global Fund for Social Protection to improve long-term social protection measures and the universalization of social protection floors for low-income countries.