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Outcome documents

The Rabat Plan of Action


05 October 2012


Freedom of opinion and expression

The Rabat Plan of Action on the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence brings together the conclusions and recommendations from several OHCHR expert workshops (held in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, Bangkok and Santiago de Chile). By grounding the debate in international human rights law, the objective has been threefold:

  • To gain a better understanding of legislative patterns, judicial practices and policies regarding the concept of incitement to national, racial, or religious hatred, while ensuring full respect for freedom of expression as outlined in articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);
  • To arrive at a comprehensive assessment of the state of implementation of the prohibition of incitement in conformity with international human rights law and;
  • To identify possible actions at all levels.

The Rabat Plan of Action was adopted by experts at the wrap-up meeting in Rabat on 4-5 October 2012.