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A/HRC/44/46/Add.1: Visit to Japan - Report of the Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members


06 July 2020

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In the report on her visit to Japan, from 12 to 19 February 2020, the Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, Alice Cruz, looks into the human rights situation of persons affected by Hansen’s disease and their family members in the light of the efforts being made to achieve truth and justice and to guarantee the non-recurrence of human rights violations. Special attention is paid to the role that persons affected by Hansen’s disease and their family members have played in bringing about both formal and systemic change. The Special Rapporteur identifies progress, good practices and challenges in eliminating discrimination against persons affected by Hansen’s disease and their family members in Japan. She also offers constructive recommendations with regard to reparation schemes, the rights of older persons affected by Hansen’s disease and guarantees of the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health in the post-elimination context.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy (Hansen’s disease) and their family members

Delivered To:

the Human Rights Council at its 44th session