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Country reports

A/HRC/29/40/Add.3: Report of the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice - Mission to Spain


17 June 2015

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The Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice conducted a visit to Spain from 9 to 19 December 2014. In the present report, the Working Group sets out the context and the legislative and institutional frameworks in Spain for preventing discrimination against women and ensuring effective equality between women and men. It reviews women’s participation in economic and social life, including the impact of the economic and financial crisis and austerity measures, and in political and public life. It examines the incidence of gender-based violence, including domestic violence and the effectiveness of measures adopted by the Government to combat it. The Working Group also reviews issues regarding women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, highlights the role of education and media in combatting discriminatory stereotypes, identifies good practices and notes the achievements made. It concludes with concrete recommendations regarding remaining challenges

Issued By:

Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice

Delivered To:

Human Rights Council Twenty-ninth session