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OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project: Improving accountability and access to remedy in cases of business involvement in human rights abuses

OHCHR and business and human rights

The right to remedy is a core tenet of the international human rights system, and the need for victims to have access to an effective remedy is recognized in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

The Accountability and Remedy Project (ARP) aims to strengthen implementation of the "Access to Remedy" pillar of the UNGPs. Since its official launch in 2014, three substantive phases have been completed, with each phase focusing on one of the three different categories of grievance mechanisms referred to in that pillar (more background is available through a 2-page information note). The reports of each of these phases recommend practical actions for enhancing the effectiveness of the respective mechanism based upon good practice lessons observed during the ARP work (how to read an ARP report).

A fourth phase began in 2020 focusing on enhancing the accessibility, dissemination and implementation of the findings from the first three phases of the project:

ARP Phase

Major Outputs

ARP I: Enhancing the effectiveness of judicial mechanisms

ARP II: Enhancing the effectiveness of State-based non-judicial mechanisms

ARP III: Enhancing the effectiveness of non-State-based grievance mechanisms

ARP IV: Enhancing the accessibility, dissemination and implementation of ARP findings

For any questions or comments regarding any phase of the Accountability and Remedy Project, please contact