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Human Rights Education and Training

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Human Rights Education and Training

OHCHR, in collaboration with various partners from inter-governmental agencies, civil society, national human rights institutions, actively promotes information-sharing among all relevant stakeholders, including through the identification, collection and dissemination of good practices as well as information about available materials and programmes on human rights education and training.


Global Forum on Human Rights Education
Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 5-6 December 2022
The Global Forum on Human Rights Education was organized by the National Human Rights Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on behalf of the Uzbek Government, in cooperation with OHCHR and other international, regional and national partners. Participants gathered offline and online to discuss progress in the context of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training and of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, to share experiences, innovative approaches and lessons learned, and to exchange views and discuss plans for the further promotion of effective human rights education, especially in Central Asia. The Forum adopted a final document which was presented to the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.

Social Forum 2019
Geneva, Switzerland - 1-2 October 2019
During the 2019 Social Forum, which focuses on the promotion and protection of the rights of children and youth through education, OHCHR organized an all-youth plenary session on Human Rights Education for Youth and by Youth: Experiences from Different Regions and the Way Forward. Bringing together three young human rights educators from Nigeria, the Philippines and Uruguay, the panel aimed to facilitate the sharing of good practices, achievements, challenges, and opportunities with regard to human rights education for youth and by youth from different regions of the world.

8th International Conference on Human Rights Education
Montreal, Canada - 30 November-3 December 2017
OHCHR co-organized the global conference with Equitas International Centre for Human Rights Education, Concordia University, Université du Québec à Montréal, McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and Western Sydney University (Australia). More than 300 human rights education practitioners, scholars and defenders from across the globe discussed the different ways human rights education can make a concrete impact in today's world. The conference featured keynote plenaries and hands-on workshops that highlighted how human rights education has made a difference in people's lives.

High-level panel discussion on human rights education and training
Geneva, Switzerland – 14 September 2016
OHCHR organized a panel discussion at the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council on the Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training: Good Practices and Challenges to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Declaration. The panel aimed at highlighting the important role of human rights education in achieving the right to education and in tackling current challenges, in particular discrimination and the prevention of violent extremism, and in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

International Conference on Human Rights Education and Training for the Civil and Public Sector
Dublin, Ireland – 3-5 December 2013
Organized by OHCHR and the Irish Human Rights Commission, the conference aimed to showcase and share good practice in human rights training for the Civil and Public Service, including law enforcement officials as well as encourage and support the design and implementation of human rights training for Civil Servants, in accordance with the World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-ongoing), particularly its second phase.