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Statement by Mr. ZONGO Fortuné Gaetan, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi, at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council


29 June 2022

Mr. President

Distinguished representatives,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to be here before this august assembly for my first oral presentation after my appointment as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi on 1 April 2022.  It is an immense honor but also a major responsibility that I accept with commitment and dedication.

As a reminder, the mandate that was voted on October 8, 2021, by Resolution 48/16 entitled "Situation of human rights in Burundi" comes in a difficult international context, marked by the COVID 19, still present and the crisis in Ukraine. These two events have an indelible impact on the issue of human rights throughout the world.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Resolution 48/16 sets out the following key responsibilities of my mandate:

- To monitor the human rights situation in Burundi, to make recommendations for its improvement, to collect, review and assess information from all stakeholders concerning human rights in Burundi, building on the work of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi,

- To advise the Government of Burundi on the fulfillment of its human rights obligations under international treaties

- To provide support and advice to civil society and the Independent National Commission on Human Rights

As stated, the mandate is not prescriptive but based on a support and advice approach. It is designed so that through a dynamic and constructive cooperation, the mandate holder that I am, strengthens the consideration of human rights in Burundi. In this perspective, I wish to place my mandate under the sign of collaboration and consensus building with the Burundian authorities and its partners, especially since human rights are one of the only universal references capable of building bridges between all actors.

 It is to this end that I fully support Burundi's ongoing preparation for its passage to the Universal Periodic Review. The implementation of the accepted recommendations that will result from this process will certainly provide important avenues for collaboration between the actors involved. Also, aware that each process must correspond to an adapted and proportionate solution, I would like to encourage the integration of human rights in the United Nations Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development, which is also being developed.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since the beginning of my mandate, I have noted with great satisfaction a more than positive trend towards the return of Burundi to the regional and international scene with President Ndayishimiye as well as the lifting of sanctions by the EU, the United States and the OIF. In addition, Burundi has made significant efforts, including: the reopening of the country to international and sub-regional actors, the strengthening of the powers of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, the reaccreditation of the Independent National Commission on Human Rights to "A" status, the reopening of certain media outlets, and the presidential pardon granted to some 5255 detainees and the recent release of media professionals and civil society organizations.

This progress reinforces our belief that ways of collaboration, cooperation and consensus can be effective.

Despite this remarkable progress since 2020, additional efforts are needed in the fight against impunity, in the strengthening of institutions, particularly the justice sector, the police and the army, in the exercise of public freedoms, and in the expansion of democratic space through the effective and efficient participation of civil society and the media.

Your Excellency,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The implementation of my mandate requires an impartial diagnosis in the field of prevention and protection of human rights. I intend to take cognizance of the existing documentation produced by all actors without exception. However, I would like to emphasize that I have only partial information at my disposal so far, gathered through secondary sources, which could seriously undermine the credibility and neutrality of this work, and I would like to maintain the necessary distance and independence, principles that are dear to me. I would therefore like, from this platform, to ask the Burundian authorities for the possibility of interacting with them, of visiting this brotherly country in order to better understand its realities, its opportunities, its challenges and its priorities.

I am fully committed to supporting the reconciliation process that is so dear to Burundi. To do so, we must give Burundi every opportunity to succeed for the benefit of Burundians. To this end, I wish to place my mandate under the prism of a constructive dialogue between all the actors. But lasting reconciliation requires respect for human rights. Burundi, like many countries, is facing challenges in various areas. In concrete terms, the human rights situation will be analyzed following a holistic approach. Thus, civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights will be taken into account. Particular attention will be paid to women, children and various vulnerable groups.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The current situation in the field of human rights in Burundi is not static, but dynamic. Burundi in this sense should at some point leave the agenda of the Human Rights Council.  Better yet, Burundi is not the only country with human rights challenges.  In the same vein, it is also necessary to take into account the challenges raised in order to make corrections. In this regard, I am aware of the need to establish a frank dialogue. I remain convinced of the timeliness and relevance of the African adage: "The tongue and the teeth are obliged to cohabit even though from time-to-time conflicts may arise between them, the teeth bite the tongue on various occasions.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to solemnly encourage the international community to provide optimal support to Burundi in the field of human rights.  I also call for full and complete cooperation between the mandate holder that I am and the authorities of Burundi.

Thank you for your kind attention, Murakoze cane.
