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Statement by the UN Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia on Signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement


04 November 2022

Entebbe / Geneva

The United Nations Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia welcomes the signing of a cessation of hostilities agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) as an important first step towards ending a conflict that has ravaged and has had a devastating impact on civilians particularly in the Tigray Region.

The Commission welcomes the expressed commitments to human rights, protection of civilians, unhindered humanitarian access and accountability, and urges the immediate resumption of full and unfettered humanitarian access and the restoration of basic services to the Tigray Region. The Commission also welcomes commitments to the cessation of hostile propaganda, rhetoric and hate speech.

The Commission underscores the critical importance of ensuring that all violations committed during the conflict, including those that have occurred since the resumption of fighting in August 2022, are investigated and those responsible are held to account.

The Commission is committed to impartially exercising its advisory mandate as it pertains to matters relating to justice, accountability, reconciliation, and healing in line with its mandate from the UN Human Rights Council.


More information about the ICHREE can be found here -

Media contacts: Rolando Gómez, Media Officer, OHCHR, +41 79 477 4411, rolando.gomez@un,org, or Todd Pitman, Media Advisor, OHCHR, +41 76 691 1761 /
