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High-level side event: Building Back Better for Everyone & with Everyone - Protecting and Promoting Civic Space in the Context of a Crisis


02 October 2020

75th session of the UN General Assembly

Video statement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Friday, 2 October

Thank you for organizing and participating in this key event. I would like to contribute three messages.

One: We will only effectively act to solve the governance challenges that face us if we can count on safe and inclusive public participation. And I want to stress safety: governments need to ensure there are no reprisals against people who speak out.

Two: we need to ensure views come from people from every walk of life. Having different voices at the table makes for stronger, more sustainable outcomes. Empowering them to have an impact in decision-making is a prerequisite for addressing what the SG recently called the “Inequality Pandemic”.

Three: dissent, and criticism, are vital to building better policies and a new social contract. I know it can be hard to embrace criticism – but this is the backbone of sound decisions.

We will not build back better from this crisis by repressing views and cracking down on activists. To build back better, we need more participation – not less; more inclusion – not less; and, yes, more critical voices.
