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The High ComissionerVideo message on Covid-19 and Migrants


04 May 2020


As we go through the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us find ourselves distant from family and friends. As we wait to reunite with them, let us remember that for many migrants, distance from their loved ones has been a long-time reality.

From stigmatization and exclusion to detention, migrants continue to be disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, even though many risk their health and safety to provide vital services to our communities.

The pandemic has exposed deep inequalities and the dangers for all, if responses are not inclusive.

But it has also shown that together, we can make positive change.

There are many encouraging examples of solidarity coming from people and governments.

Supporting undocumented migrant families through safety nets; ensuring that COVID testing and health care are accessible to all; or extending residency permits during the pandemic.

People are demanding that their well-being and human rights be at the heart of our efforts.

My Office has issued guidelines on how to include the human rights of migrants in this time of crisis.

Let us ensure that the achievements we make today become the foundations of our new tomorrow.

When we overcome this pandemic, we must build back better.

More equal and inclusive societies, with better living and working conditions for everyone.

We are all in this together. We need to go through it together.

Let us stand in support and solidarity with migrants and stand up for everyone’s human rights.

29 April 2020
