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VIDEO MESSAGE for 10th anniversary of the Human Rights Council by the High Commissioner for Human Rights


17 March 2016

The Human Rights Council has achieved a great deal in the past ten years. It is, and has been an unprecedented assembly. The world's most important forum for human rights, bringing 47 States together and scrutinising, for the first time in the history of international relations, the human rights record of every Government in the world.

By examining social, economic, civil, political and cultural rights, and placing human rights high on the agenda – the agenda of States, the UN system as a whole, and the Security Council – the Council has been of enormous influence. Its Commissions of Inquiry, Special Rapporteurs and independent experts provide invaluable investigations and guidance. As we mark this decade I believe we can express our admiration for the work they do.

It has been a privilege for me to work with recent Presidents of the Council, and I'm sure I speak for past High Commissioners when I also thank them, and all past Presidents for the work they have done.

And I would like also to pay tribute to the civil society activists and defenders who are such a strong part of Council sessions. Their contribution is invaluable, and I am particularly glad that the Council offers this space, and voice, to civil society.

The Council enters its second decade with the ability to have real influence on human rights, in a world which badly needs it. Our current session is a measure of the diversity of situations where human rights violations are a concern. And the road ahead may be a difficult one.

I believe that it is important for the Council to continue upholding the principles of equality and dignity of all human beings, and their fundamental rights.

Video message from the High Commissioner on the Tenth Anniversary of the Human Rights Council