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Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, Dubravka šimonović at the International High-Level Conference - “Achieving Gender Equality – Challenges and Opportunities in the ENP Region”


10 November 2015

Thematic Session III – Joining forces to end Violence against women and girls in public and private domains
Tbilisi, Georgia
10 November 2015 

Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, NGO representatives,

Let me begin by thanking the Government of Georgia, the European Union and UN-Women for organizing this conference on challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and ending violence against women and girls in the European Neighborhood Policy Region and for inviting me to participate as the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences.

Gender-based violence is the most atrocious manifestation of the systematic and widespread discrimination and inequality that women and girls continue to face around the world. Violence against women affects one in three women globally. Progress in preventing and eliminating gender-based violence against women and girls has been too slow and uneven. 

Why progress has not been more efficient and what should be done?

Progress in achieving gender equality and eliminating violence against women and girls should be significantly accelerated under the visionary 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For the first time, we have a global gendered framework for development that calls for the realization of human rights of all – which encompasses women’s rights as human rights, but additionally adds a specific stand-alone goal No. 5 on achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. 

It calls for the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking, and sexual and other types of exploitation. It refers to the elimination of all harmful practices with specific references to child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Moreover, the implementation of all the 17 goals requires a systematic gender mainstreaming in all targets and indicators.

Implementation of this 2030 global framework is providing us with a new opportunity to accelerate progress in achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls and in eliminating violence against women. Implementation of this goal No. 5 should be done through the joint implementation of global, regional and national women’s human rights and empowerment instruments and agendas using synergies between them: the BPA, the CEDAW, the DEVAW, the UNSCR 1325, and relevant regional instruments on violence against women: the Convention of Belém do Pará of the Americas, the Maputo Protocol of Africa and the Istanbul Convention of Europe.

 We also need to strengthen cooperation between accountability mechanisms that monitor implementation of these instruments and for that reason , after this conference, I will be meeting with the CEDAW Committee, that monitors the implementation of the CEDAW Convention and later on with regional monitoring mechanisms.

Concerning my mandate of Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, that is based on a comprehensive and universal approach to the elimination of violence against women and girls and that uses thematic reports, country reports and communication as tools.  I have identified three broad areas on which I would like to focus on:

  1. Holistic and effective incorporation and implementation of international and regional standards on gender equality and violence against women using synergies between them, including follow-up of recommendations related to elimination of violence against women;
  2. Current challenges that require immediate attention, such as violent extremism and extreme forms of violence against women; and
  3. Prevention of violence against women with a focus on consequences of violence against women, including the provision of adequate services needed for survivors of violence, such as a sufficient number of shelters and efficient protection orders, as well as a gendered access to justice.

In Georgia, we have a good example of collection of data on femicides started upon the recommendations issued by the CEDAW Committee after the examination of the periodic report of Georgia in 2014. The CEDAW committee has urged the government to take immediate measures to eliminate the increasing number of femicides.  Following up on this recommendation, the Public Defender’s Office has monitored the work of relevant governmental institutions in relation to women’s rights and published a Special report on violence against women and domestic violence in Georgia, in which he specifically addressed the very high number of femicides cases and recommends further studies and actions related to the prevention of such cases.

We are approaching the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence women on 25th November. I would like to use this opportunity to call upon all States to to establish – a  Femicide  Watch and to publish data on the number of  femicides or gender related killing of women per year, disaggregated by age and sex of the perpetrators, as well as the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim or victims. Furthermore, the 16 Days on Activism against Gender Violence could be used to present such data and discuss the actions needed for the prevention of those preventable deaths of women.

Information concerning the prosecution and punishment of perpetrators should also be collected and published.

Most importantly, each case of killing should be carefully analyzed to identify any failure of protection in view of improving and developing further preventive measures. In the collection, analysis and publication of such data, States should cooperate with NGOs and independent human rights institutions working in this field. Such data should be made publicly available at the national level, while the UN and other organizations should ensure their global and regional publication. 

Now, is time to act and to uphold, everywhere the right of every woman and every girl to live a life free from violence. 

My mandate is ready to assist you. 

I thank you for your attention.
